# 16 Lost things

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Lost things

Do you know when you've lost something-like your favorite t-shirt or a set of keys-and while looking for it, you come across something else you once missed but have long since forgotten? Well whatever it was, there was a point where you decided to stop searching, maybe because is no longer required or new replacement was found. It is almost as if it never existed in the first place- until that moment of rediscovery, a flash of recognition.

Everyone has one - an inventory of lost things waiting to be found. Yearning to be acknowledge for the worth they once held in life.

I think this is were I belong- among all you other lost things. A crumpled note at the bottom of a drawer or an old photograph pressed between the pages of a book. I hope someday you'll find me and remember what I once meant to you.

-Lang Leav

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