What was the purpose of my presence here?

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I found myself standing in the middle of the street, the sky above cast in a dark hue with a brilliant moon hanging overhead. People bustled around me, moving with purpose through the shadows of the night. 

Suddenly, a bright light approached, revealing a motorcycle with a rider urgently shouting something at me, though the words were lost in the ambient noise. Frantically waving his hand, he signaled for me to step aside. I complied, moving to the edge of the road. 

Confused, I surveyed my surroundings. This place was unfamiliar, a town I had never seen before, appearing deceptively ordinary. Chitragupta had mentioned a punishment, instructing me to kill someone, but this scenario felt different. What was the purpose of my presence here? 

The mystery of my situation hung heavy in the night air, leaving me with more questions than answers. Suddenly, the piercing screams of terrified people echoed through the air, drawing my attention to the chaotic scene unfolding nearby.

 As I approached, I witnessed a horrifying sight—animated dead bodies were engaged in a violent struggle with the living. The situation became even more alarming when I realized that the animated corpses were not confined to a specific area; instead, they were advancing towards me, their numbers exceeding my initial estimation. A sense of dread gripped me as the undead relentlessly pursued their prey, tearing into the helpless victims. 

Amidst the chaos, my eyes widened in horror as I spotted a little toddler girl, crying and lying defenseless on the road. Her vulnerability struck a chord, reminiscent of my own Padma. An animated corpse lurched menacingly towards the child. Driven by an instinct to protect, I summoned my energy and sprinted towards the distressed girl, determined to shield her from the impending danger.

 As I reached the distressed toddler, the animated corpse had already seized her by the leg. Reacting swiftly, I lunged onto the assailant, and together we tumbled forcefully across the road. Wrestling to gain control, I managed to position myself on top, gripping the undead creature's neck to prevent its gnashing teeth from reaching me. The putrid stench overwhelmed me, but I focused on the task at hand.

 Forcing the animated corpse to the side, I stood up, pressing my left foot on its neck. Grasping its hair with my right hand, I yanked its head away from its body and discarded it to the side. My attention swiftly shifted to the little girl who had resumed running, now being pursued by a horde of animated dead bodies. Rushing towards the pursuing corpses, I engaged them one by one. 

Pulling one back, I kicked it away and continued sprinting towards the girl. Clearing my path, I pushed aside the animated dead bodies that obstructed my way. The girl halted, hesitating as the other bodies stood before her, threatening to close in.

 "Hey, run to the left!" I shouted, attempting to guide the terrified girl to safety. A body obstructed my view, but I swiftly dispatched it by breaking its neck with a forceful twist. Another creature lunged at me, but I evaded by bending down and moving forward. My attention sharpened as I noticed a body closing in on the little girl, its hungry intentions evident. 

Spotting a protruding iron rod from a broken wall nearby, I seized the opportunity. Breaking the rod off, I aimed it at the approaching threat and hurled it with precision. The impromptu weapon struck true, preventing the creature from reaching its intended prey. 

 Racing to the girl, I knelt before her. "Are you okay?" I asked, concern in my voice.

 "Yes," she replied. With a protective instinct, I lifted her into my arms, glancing back at the defeated body impaled by the rod that protruded through its head.

After Life:  Sara & Padma's Journey After DepartureWhere stories live. Discover now