I'm all yours ❤️

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A/n: As I promised, here is another update 👀 It's one of my fav chapter bc I really really enjoyed writing this & hope the same when y'all read 💞

Jk: Stop roaring, tiger! *Whispered*

Tae: Not until you make me møan in your ears

He smirked at me & starts to nuzzle my neck while I felt uncomfortable with his actions so I pushed him back

Jk: Don't you dare speak to me like that *warned* he's my cousin so he just flirts with me casually

After I completed he gripped my waist more tightly and It would be lie if we say that his fingers didn't left dark marks bcoz it was hurting me badly

Tae: Ohh really? *Dark gaze* Do cousins kiss "casually?"

There's no space left in between our faces yet his forehead was pressed against mine meanwhile I was just avoiding his eyecontact but still he grabbed my chin harshly & made me look at his eyes which were showing me my visual death senario

JK: Ahh *pushed with force* You're hurting me! *Touch his own jaw* I just pecked his cheek in excitement bcoz We didn't meet since years, we didn't kiss! for God sake. Were u blind or something?

Tae: Then prove me!

Jk: Prove you what?

I started to walk backward when he started taking his steps towards me, once again my head got hit on wall and I was vexed now. What do he want from me?

Tae: Peck my lips "casually" & prove it. Bcoz casual mean nothing right? So c'mon do it

Jk: Tae! *Squrims* you're linking my words in wrong way. Please move *try to push

Tae: Why? I'm your husband. I can get it too, c'mon kiss me *brings his lips closer

Now this is going over the board, I'm not a toy whom he can force to do whatever he wants and fu*k his jealously. I don't give a damn!

Jk: *grabbed collar* Don't forget we're in contract marriage. I'll sue you! If you try to be physical with me forcefully, You get that?

Tae: sweetheart, throw me behind the bars by my collar but first let me be satisfied with my crime *cupped his cheek & leans to kiss*

Jk: Enough is enough tae! You can't speak to me in this tone *felt disgusted*

Tae: Exactly, when he talks that's all ok for you? When I talk you feel uncomfortable. my surname is linked with yours, so you can't just fu*k around like this

This time I lost my temper and pushed him very harshly as much as I can. I gritted my teeth & pointed my finger at him to say

Jk: YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHT ON ME. I will be with whoever I wanna be, I don't owe you an explanation *scoffs* Who you think you're to me dude?

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