chapter four!

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The Mommy Mafia

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The Mommy Mafia

01/09/74 - 01:02pm

Hope Lupin: euphemia who is that fugly looking rat

Jolene Evans: i dont like her already

Martin Pettigrew: i second that

Euphemia Potter: Now come on don't be horrible, she's a neighbour, a very sweet lady.

Euphemia Potter: She brought cake!

Jolene Evans: It tastes as if i just shat, added flour and called it a 'cake'

Euphemia Potter: Language!

Hope Lupin: omfg her makeup is so cakey

Euphemia Potter: Please don't judge her.

Hope Lupin: she called me a 'hooligan'

Jolene Evans: HELPPPP


Hope Lupin: i fell out of the fire onto the floor and she glared at me and called me a dirty hooligan

Jolene Evans: oh...?

Hope Lupin: ikr like who does she think she is

Euphemia Potter: Did she really?

Hope Lupin: yeah she did!

Euphemia Potter: Should I speak to her?

Hope Lupin: nonononononijonono

Jolene Evans: no way

Hope Lupin: sutbly start to pretend to hate her more and more

Hope Lupin: *subtely

Hope Lupin: *sutly

Hope Lupin: *subtelly

Martin Evans: *subtly 

Hope Lupin: *subtly

Hope Lupin: hey

Hope Lupin: i was getting there you know

Martin Pettigrew: what in 2025? 

Martin Pettigrew: i'm getting wrinkles

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