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A buzz broke the poor mans shocked faze, a ring with a cute little tune arose from the drawer next to Law.

- This is not the fucking time. -

Law dragged a hand over his face, letting himself flop down on the bed, his back receiving the abuse. He pulled open the drawer, taking out his phone even though it stopped ringing. His carelessness and colour drained from his face as soon as he realised who's call he ignored. The phone light beamed in Trafalgars face, in big bold letters, the name Corazon appeared.

- Come on! Only time I ignore a call and it's the old geezer. -

Trafalgar immediately called back. The phone rung for a few seconds until a cheery sound broke through the somewhat calming noise.

'Law!! Oh how long has it been since we've spoke? Good-Moring!'

'Uh yeah hello Cora-san. It has been a long while, huh.' 

'Listen, I'm finally in town today, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for coffee or something? Y'know catch up.'

'I'd love that, I've missed you.'

The contemplation of saying that didn't last long, it was out his mouth before he could stop himself.

'AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW LAW ☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆'

Law could already make out that stupid face he makes. Just over the phone. Way to early for this. He had to double check the time, it was 7:49am.

'I've got work at 10. End of my shift is 1 in the morning. So I can meet within the next 2 hours.'

'Sounds great!!! Want to have coffee at your place? I'm broke…I don't need you spending money on me!! >O<'

Law nodded, even though he was on the phone. He Immediately agreed due to not wanting to interact with people. Also he didn't want to spend anymore money then he had to.

'yeah. Sounds good. I'll send you my address in a minute. When you showing up?'

'I'll show up in an hour at least. Bye Lawwww! Love you! >∆<'

'love you to. See ya.'

Law hung up the phone before anything cheesy happened again. He was still tired after last night. Talking about last night, where'd that kid go?

The sun shone in through the closed curtains, blinding the tall man. Before groaning, he got up, and had a shower. Law let the cool water run down his face, letting it go down his back. Law relaxed in the shower..

- God.. haven't felt this relaxed in a good while. Well, not including last night of course. -

Law rolled his eyes at his own thought. Thinking that the whole thing was dumb.

He got out of the shower, putting on some comfortable clothes. A black turtle neck and some baggy black pants. He had his usual silver necklace around his neck. He looked down at his phone to check the time, it was 8:30.

Law walked into the kitchen, he started making some pancakes, he was extremely hungry after not eating to much last night. The bags under his eyes had grown a lot. After eating, Law texted Cora asking how long it'll be before he gets here. To his surprise, he said he was just outside. A loud knock came from the door, followed by a yell of Laws name.


"The doors open dingus." Law replied quite angrily.

The door slightly opened, a tall blond man with makeup on stood behind the door. He lifted his hand up behind his head, scratching the back of his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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