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Peter Parker's life was... interesting. Being bitten by a weird spider in the middle of an Avengers (formerly Stark) tower tour and waking up with abs the next day wasn't exactly normal. Fighting your crush's dad because he's an alien tech arms dealer is especially not normal. Overall, Peter leads a pretty strange life. But who wouldn't if they were the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man? Said airachnid themed hero was currently at his day job: interning directly under his idol!

"Adjust the parameters. There you go." While Mr Stark gave casual instructions, Peter was super hyped. He was going to witness the creation of artificial vibranium for the first time since he started working here! When did life get so cool?! Mr Stark tossed him a pair of goggles. "Put these on and enjoy the light show." Putting them on, Peter practically vibrates as he watches the materials in the glass box before him get essentially fried with a laser and turned onto vibranium.
Taking off his safety goggles, Peter was in awe. "Mr Stark, that was awesome!"
Tony haphazardly chucks his goggles into a nearby bench. "All part of the job underoos. Now, I'm gonna need you to fulfil your most important task as my intern."
Peter shifts his weight from foot to foot, eager for anything Tony could throw at him. "What is it Mr Stark?"
"Get me a black coffee from downstairs."

Bringing back the to-go black coffee, Peter is surprised to see Tony analysing a hologram of the planet, a very prominent red dot entering the atmosphere. "What's up Mr Stark?"
Taking the coffee, Tony diesnt stop looking at the red dot. "Satellite picked up a meteor incoming."
Peter gives stark a surprised/awed look. "You have a satellite?"
"I have three but that's beside the point." He uses his free hand to zoom into the red dot, revealing said meteor. "The point is, that despite looking like your average space rock, my new toy picked up life signs."
Peter looks at the holographic meteor with wide eyes. "Woah. So it might have aliens? I'm coming."
Tony raises a hand, shaking his head while he taps the arc reactor in his chest, Nanites spreading over his body. "No, no you're not. Aliens are no joke kid."
Peter shrugs. "Thor is an alien."
Tony looks at Peter through his HUD. "Thats different, Thor at least-"
"Looks human?" Tony pauses when Peter interrupts him, surprised by it. "I know this isn't a sci-fi movie Mr Stark. No one in New York has fond memories of aliens. But if you just assume someone or something is the bad guy then you're going to make them the bad guy. They might be nice. Just let me come, please? You won't even know I'm there."
Tony stares at the kid before sighing. "Suit up." Peter pumps a celebratory fist. "But the minute things go sideways you do what I say when I say it."

Using his sticky powers to hang onto Iron Man is probably the coolest thing Spider-Man has done in his life so far. Good thing he had sticky powers, or he'd probably have fallen off a while ago. He tries to yell over the roaring wind. "Are we almost there Mr Stark!?"
"Touching down now underoos." He lands in a dramatic sore hero pose, although the effect is lessened by Peter being stuck to him. There's a moment of stillness. "You can let go now."
"Oh, uh," he drops to the ground. "Sorry Mr Stark." He looks around. "Meteor crashing in the woods. Classic."

Ignoring the "really old movie" trope he was currently in, Iron Man turns his faceplate to the skies. "It's coming in hot, touchdown in 20 seconds. You see it?"
Peter looks up at the sky before seeing a glowing dot. "Yeah I see it. Karen, can you zoom in?"
"You got it Peter."
While Karen zooms in the lenses on the Homecoming suit, Tony rolls his eyes with a scoff. ""Karen". How am I supposed to make an acronym for that?"
Karen zooms in on the meteor. "It's, uh, coming in fast. We're safe right? It's not gonna hit us?"
Tony shakes his head. "Nah, it's gonna land over there." He points to a wooded area a few yards away. True to Stark's word, the meteor crashes in the exact spot he said it would, kicking up debris and destroying a few trees.

Despite being in the clear, Peter still flinches out of instinct, unlike Stark, who just stares at the crash site like a Terminator. He turns his gaze to the recovering Peter. "You wanna do the whole "not all aliens are bad" thing? You go ahead. But the instant anything goes wrong, you flip out of there and let me deal with it."
Peter throws him a thumbs up. "You got it Mr Stark." In a low crouch, Peter slowly advances towards the fallen meteorite.

He peaks over the smoking edge of the crater to see the meteorite at the center, about the size of a basketball. "This thing isn't going to hatch and latch onto my face is it?"
"Probably not, but you have good reflexes, and that Peter Tingle thing."
Peter groans. "I need a better name for that." He uses his sticky powers to crawl down the side of the crater until he's a few feet away from the meteor itself. And then it cracked, startling Peter into jumping back. He was tempted to call out to Stark, but he didn't want to jump the gun. Looking back, he sees Iron Man standing at the edge of the crater on standby anyway, which eases his nerves a little.

He turns back the cracking meteor as it opens up slightly to reveal... black goo? Oh, the goo is moving! It's not moving too fast, seeming pretty sluggish and it stops just in front of Peter. "Uhh, Mr Stark, I found the alien! It's not doing anything! It's actually kinda cute, in an amorphous blobby type of way!"
"Just be careful with it kid! We don't know what it is or what it can do!"
Spider-Man throws a thumbs up back. "You got it Mr Stark!"

He cautiously stares at the black goo as it slowly advances. He raises a nervous hand and waves nervously. "Uh, hi? Welcome to Earth?" The black goo suddenly stops moving and Peter panics. Did it just die, did he offend it somehow, is waving offensive on other planets, how does he apologize? Peter loses this train of thought when the black goo moves again, shifting into a vague facsimile of a hand and sluggishly waves back. "Woah." The goop hand seems to reach out to him, and Peter, in his excessively caring nature, reaches back. The goo seems to grab onto him, but not exactly in an aggressive way, and Peter does his best to stay calm as it advances up his arm, 110% invested in giving it a chance.

Tony was getting impatient, and despite the fact it wasn't a part of him, he could feel his rocket launchers itching to take out the alien. He takes his eyes off of the kid for the sake of nervous, trigger happy pacing. He missed his old suit. The steady thunking of the joints would be welcome in the current silence. Suddenly, Karen patches into his comm. "Ok, so there is good news and... not exactly bad news but it's news. Call it weird news."
Tony raises a concerned eyebrow. "What's the good news?" He needed to know if the kid was ok first.
"Well, the good news is, Peter is unharmed and the extraterrestrial didn't latch onto his face."
Tony rolls eyes at the bland humor behind the pop culture reference, but otherwise settles down a bit, glad to hear the kid is fine. "And the quote unquote, "weird news"?"
"It latched onto all of him."

"Uh, Mr Stark?" Tony quickly turns at the sound of Peter's voice, and is surprised to see that his suit has the exact same design as before, but is now completely black with a white spider emblem. "Promise not to get mad?"

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