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   When you woke up earlier Aizawa had already left to go teach his class at UA. you however, had the day off. So you spent it painting on a small canvas you fit in your duffle bag.

  You dipped your brush in the paint you had out on a paper plate, and swiped your canvas putting the last touches to your abstract portrait.

   You stepped back admiring the vision, of the starry background with a certain blonde standing in the middle staring back at you. His eyes the deepest red you could make.

   "God as obnoxious as he is...he's certainly attractive." You deadpan and run a hand down your face in annoyance. "I really fucking hope I don't see him in my class.."

   You sent your paint stuff down and made your way to the kitchen to get a drink. You look at the time on the microwave and get a drink and lean against the counter looking out the window.

In the house next to you, you see a man with brown hair and glasses dancing with his wife as they laugh the day away. "Cute..." you mumble. They seemed so happy. You watch as the woman smiled and kissed the man's cheeks and laid her head on his shoulder. The perfect couple.

"I'm home." You look over at the front door and smile. Seeing aizawa walk through with a tired expression on his face. "Welcome back." You smile, thinking about how much longer you'll have before you go back to your training.

"So I talked with principal nezu today.." he trails off and grabs a bag out of his satchel. "Here's your uniform. You'll be in my class, class 2A. as for moving into the dorms, we can do that anytime today. But tomorrow starts your first day at UA." He smirks. "I bet You're ready to get back to training huh?"

You laugh as you take the neatly folded uniform inside a plastic bag from his hands. "You could say that.. don't get me wrong I am excited, but I'm nervous. I've never been to a hero school before. I was always homeschooled by my dad..."

You think about all the times you and your father were in the backyard sparring. Your quirk made you have magic powers unlike you or your father have seen before. your magic could be bright pretty colors, waiting to be called for your command- but there was also a not so pretty side to it. You black out and don't remember what happens during that time, and your father refused to tell you, in fear that you would not like what you heard.

Your parents died almost two weeks ago now. You have no idea what happened, you just walked in the door and they were lying on the floor, Dead.


As you ran through the town on your way back home, your friend followed behind you, trying to keep up.

You had been gone for three days now, enjoying your freedom, you just hope your parents weren't angry with you.

"I've gotta go now..." you said to your friend as you turned around to look at him, "my parents are probably really worried about me."

Your friend nods and smirks at you. "Well don't get into anymore trouble. I won't be here to save you next time." He crosses his arms and turns around to walk away. "Don't come looking for me or anything. It'll get you killed."

You laugh at his back handed warning. "I'll see you later..." you turn back and make your way back to your home. Afraid of the punishment you were going to receive for being gone so long.

A few minutes pass and you are at your front door. You hesitate before grabbing the door knob and taking a deep breath. "Here goes nothing..."

•end of flashback•

"Y/n?" Aizawa put a hand on your shoulder and shook you a little bit. Once you came back to your senses he sighed.

"You okay?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

You smile at him and hold your uniform close. "I'm okay..just excited to move into the dorms." You fake a smile and start walking past him to your room. "I'll pack my things, so we can go there sooner rather than later, is that okay?"

He nods his head and starts washing the glass you left on the counter. "That's fine. I'll wait for you to finish."

A few minutes later you packed your duffle bag and carried the newly painted portrait of Bakugou in your hands. Looking down at the picture you smile not noticing aizawa come up behind you to get a glimpse of what you were staring at.

"Is that Bakugou?" He asks with an annoyed tone. "YOU CANT WALK UP BEHIND PEOPLE LIKE THAT!-" you say surprised and a little frightened, he starts laughing and smacks your head.

"OW" you say grabbing the back of your head feeling the slight thumping from the light tap aizawa gave you. He rolls his eyes and smirks. "He's a good kid. A bit pushy. But a good kid. He'll make a good hero one day." You grown and close your eyes. "...he's in my class isn't he..." you pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a heavy sigh. "I'm gonna hate this."

Aizawa laughs and rubs the back of his neck. "Well kid you better get used to it. Your rooms right across from his." He walks to the front door and opens it ushering you out to get in the car.

"ME IN A ROOM NEXT TO HIM? HELL NO!" You yell pouting and crossing your arms.

You're hesitant at first but you end up following aizawa out to the car and get in, waiting for the drive to UA.

After an hour of driving you finally arrive at the UA dorms. You grab your shirt and start playing with it. Anxious about meeting everyone.

"Come on." Aizawa gets out of the car and you follow, grabbing everything and following him inside.

Everyone seems to be in their own prospective dorms. When you walk in, you see an open space with couches, and a tv. Twenty feet away is the kitchen, where they'res an island, a stove, a fridge and anything else you could imagine in a kitchen.

"Your room is on the third floor, room 307. If you need me, here's my number, okay?" He hands you a piece of paper, and hugs you.

You return the hug and smile. "I'll definitely call if I need something." He nods and walks away leaving you to your own.

You make your way up the stairs, searching for your name on the wall next to your room number.

Once you found your room you opened your door and smiled. Your room was pretty bare, other than a balcony, a bed, a desk, a closet, and a mirror. but there was a big present in the middle of the room.

"I wonder what it is..." you immediately started ripping the paper apart and tore it open. Inside was some clothes, a necklace, and a card.

You open the card and read it eagerly wanting to know who it was from. "To y/n, I hope your first day tomorrow is the best-aizawa..." you mumbled to yourself and smiled. How thoughtful of Aizawa.

You put the necklace on, and unpacked your bag, putting all of your things away, and cleaning the remains of the present from the ground.

You smile to yourself knowing you're finally done moving everything to its rightful place.

You sit on your bed and look over at the painting of Bakugou. "I don't know where to put this honestly...maybe I could give it to him as a gift?" You sighed and got up. "It won't hurt anything to give it to him I'm sure..."

You grab the painting and make your way across the hall to Bakugous room and knock on the door.

The door opens a few seconds later and his eyes widen realizing who you are.

"The fuck...what are you doing here shit head." He crosses his arms and looks you over.

"I have something for you.." you shove the painting in his arms and start walking as fast as you can back to your dorm blushing like crazy. "That was oddly intimate..."

Bakugou looks at you confused as you slam your door shut, and looks at what you shoved at him.

It's a painting of him. Standing in front of a setting sky. His eyes staring back at himself.

He blushes and shuts his door. "Why the hell would she give me this..."

He continues to look over every inch of the painting and finally props it up on his desk, where he can see it all the time. "Shitty girl.."

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