Chapter 5

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At first, it was a bit awkward. Megumi wasn't sure what to say. He'd only ever eaten with someone once, and that was with Nanami when Gojo had forced them to for a work outing. Itadori was different.

His caramel eyes widened as he smiled. Was he that excited just to go to dinner? It was food he'd had before. Itadori had picked the restaurant, so why was he so eager?

The waitress broke their silence. "Thanks for coming to Ueno Family Restaurant, what would you like to order?"

She was an older woman, perhaps in her mid-forties or a well-put-together sixty. Her lips were painted a shade of red, similar to the berry color of Strawberry's eyes. The waitress didn't smile, but it almost seemed like she was holding one back.

"I think I'll have a beer and a beef set, please. Oh, and that spicy soup. Fushiguro, you should try the soup," Itadori said, practically bouncing.

"No thanks, I don't do well with spicy things," Megumi replied.

"It's so nice to see a new couple on a date here. It's been forever since young people started coming here. Itadori didn't tell me he was seeing anyone," the waitress said, her smile evident.

"It's not a date," Megumi groaned.

Itadori smirked, "Oh, come on, Fushi! It's okay nowadays, we don't have to hide it."

"It's not a date," Megumi grumbled.

If he had known it would be like that, Megumi would have reconsidered asking Itadori for a meal. The last thing Megumi wanted was to be teased by someone he didn't know well. And what was with the "Fushi" nickname? It wasn't even clever.

"Sorry, he's a little embarrassed since he dressed up nicer than me. Can you believe it's not our first date? Then again, he did ask me to his place the first day we met," Itadori said to the waitress, teasingly.

Megumi stood, "Okay, I'm leaving. Never mind."

Itadori rolled his eyes, "Calm down, calm down. We're only joking. Mrs. Uenoyama knows that the only love I have is for sweet and spicy charred beef skewers."

Megumi begrudgingly sat down, "I'll have the shiitake skewer set, please, and a beer as well."

Was his outfit really too much? Megumi was wearing what he typically would—a white button-up and black pants. Itadori was the one dressed down in a hoodie. Why did it matter anyway? Sure, the dim lighting from the interior bulbs set a certain mood, and their table was next to the window facing a vibrant sunset. It was a very beautiful sunset, but it wasn't a date.

By the time the beers arrived, they had stewed in silence for too long. Megumi didn't know how to engage in a conversation that wasn't about the dogs. Itadori had been around them all day, so it wasn't as if he needed to hear about them anymore. It was supposed to be a nice, friendly dinner, something to establish their acquaintanceship.

Itadori took a comically large swig of his beer. "So, you saw your sister this morning, right?"

Megumi nodded, "Yeah."

"How is she doing? What does she do for work?" Itadori asked.

"Oh, I guess I wasn't specific before. I was visiting her in the hospital," Megumi said.

"Oh! You totally told me that, but you said it so casually that I took it as a joke. But you don't really joke around much. I guess I should have realized that," Itadori said, resting his chin in his palms.

"I can joke around," Megumi grumbled.

"Sure, you can, champ," Itadori smirked.

Megumi scoffed, "She seemed in high spirits. She wants to see the puppies, so I might need your help wrangling them to see her in the future."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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