Who are you?

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"I guess I will" a boy with brown curls offers, nervously looking around at his peers.

They all shuffle in a small circle so they can see everybody but it becomes meow like a  wonky separated  circle separated by they're mutual distrust and lack of knowledge. 

"My name is Sejanus, I'm from district 2, I now live in the capital and I think the hunger games are a waste of time"

The last couple of facts made Katniss hum in approval and surprise. Some of the others do the same while a women with odd mismatched eyes huffs with disproval. an awkward moment of silence drags until the very short person next to Sejanus picks it up.

"My name is Casca Highbottom, I am the creator of the games...." 

He's cut off by Katniss punching him square in the jaw and gasps radiating around the room.

"you monster" she seethes as Haymitch draws her back.

Casca sighs like he agrees wholeheartedly, holding a hand to his forming bruise before going on,  I am a professor and a morphine addict" 

Katniss stops struggling when she hears the last part. Why would a monster turn away block out  such an achievement with something that slowly kills, if he didn't feel guilt?   

Unhappy Katniss reluctantly goes next to Peeta, who embraces her with open arms. 

"Guess it's my turn" the women's accent thick only adding to her weird star quality that accompanies the dazzling dress.

"My name is Lucy Gray, I love to sing, I am in the survivor  of the 10th hunger games and I sing to snakes"

  Sing?  to snakes? Katniss would've laughed but Lucy Gray's haunted face stopped her cold, something must've happened there. 

"10th?" Katniss heard Haymicth mumble, she glanced at him but he seemed to lost in thought to notice.

"My turn then" A nearly white blonde boy said, the one that looks so familiar to Katniss that she can't help but stare. 

"My name is Coriolanus Snow and....." he wasn't expect the yelling that followed with just a mention of his name. 

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