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(This is my first time writing in second person :,) pls be niceee)

"Come on Bakugou! Even if you're not going to drink you should still be my drinksitter!" Bakugou rolls his eyes and looks out the window. The sun almost set, the sky painted with reds, and oranges.

"For the last god damn time shitty hair, SHUT UP! I don't give a shit about your secret drinking place."

Kirishima goes to smack his shoulder and Bakugou grabs his arm and shoves it away. "Don't touch me I'll kill you." Kiri smiles and rubs his neck. "Sooo I'll see you after school?"

you can practically see the annoyance on Bakugou face as he looks over to kiri, his face still smiling with excitement. "Well? Is that a yes?"

The vain in Bakugous forehead pops out and he smacks the back of kiris head. "DONT TAKE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH YOU IDIOT!"

Kiri pushes him away and awkwardly smiles. "See you after school bakubro!"

•around the same time•

Aizawa was driving to his house while explaining to his new housemate, you, what would happen now that she lived with him.

"y/n, how are you holding up?.." that question pulled you out of your trance staring out of the window. "I'm okay. I'm just a bit shaken up.." Aizawa nods his head and pats your head. "I know. But you're in a better place now. And we can better teach you how to use your quirk, and get you in a better headspace."

You smiles slightly and looks out the window again staring at the setting sun in the sky. "I'ts going to be weird without my dad being up my ass about training."

Aizawa laughs as he pulls into the driveway of a modern looking home with brown brick and two stories, flowers all around the outside, no doubt planted by Aizawa in his free time.

"Come on kid let's head in."

Aizawa gave you a tour of his home and showed you the room that was now yours. "You'll only be here temporarily, from here on out, you'll be attending UA hero course, where you'll learn to be a hero, and we'll move you in the dorms once the transfer is finalized. For now- relax. Go outside and visit places. Do what you enjoy."

You nod and take in your room you'll have for the next few days. The room was quite big, with white walls, and a queen sized bed against the wall and a desk next to it.

As you set your single duffle bag you packed on the bed, you felt your stomach screaming at you for something to eat. "Gotta get some food.." you mumbled.

A little while later you came across a worn down building with vines on it and smelled the most wonderful smell. "Ok I'm going in here, that smells way too good to not go in."

"Hello! Can I sit at the bar and get a menu?" A girl with purple hair smiled and led you to the bar and handed you a menu. "Just let the bartender know when you're ready to order and she'll get right to you." You smiled and nodded, taking in everything around you and picking out your food from the menu.

The only other people in here are two guys at the other side of the bar, one clearly had too much to drink but the other seemed completely sober.

"GET OFF ME, ILL BLOW YOU UP SHITTY HAIR" "okay so he's a dick" you thought. the red head laughed and smacked the mean blonde guys shoulder. "Come on Bakugouuuu! I'm just having funnnn."

Who you now know as Bakugou, frowned at his friend. "You're an idiot for drinking on a school night." He scolded the red head. You took in Bakugous features. He was wearing a black jacket with a black skull T-shirt. His hair was spikey, but he had it a bit longer in the back touching his neck. (Yes I'm basing him off the art which isn't mine but look at him how could I not he's hot as fuck minus the tattoo and most piercings) He had an rbf, but other than that, he had a nose stud, and had gauges with an industrial piercing above his right ear.

  You hated to admit it but he was genuinely attractive. However that didn't make up for him sounding like an ass.

"Hello miss can I get you anything to eat or drink?" You turn and look at the bartender, a slim girl with black hair up in a ponytail smiling at you. You smile back and return the menu to her. "Yeah can I get (favorite meal), and a strawberry margarita?" she takes the menu from you and writes down your food order. "I'll get that to the kitchen, and have that drink out to you soon." you smile as she turns and walks back to the kitchen area.

   You were scrolling on your phone and turned to look at Bakugou and who you now know is kirishima. He had gotten up and introduced himself earlier and Bakugou rolled his eyes and stared at you, still sitting in the chair at the other end of the bar.  Bakugou was staring at the wall while kirishima tried to talk to him. It was obvious he wasn't paying attention. Noticing this you decided to speak up.

   "Bakugou right?" He looks at you and you notice his red eyes piercing through your head like he's trying to shoot lasers at you. "Shut up. I don't talk to extras." You raise your brow and bust out laughing. This obviously displeased Bakugou and he growled at you.

  "what the hells so funny huh? I can take your ass down, so you better stop laughing." You wiped a tear from your eye and stared at Bakugou. "Nah. I'm quite the fighter. I doubt you could handle me spikey."

   "THE HELL DID YOU CALL ME YOU SHITTY GIRL?!" little explosions popped from his hand as he climbed the bar table and leaned towards you.

   "Oh guess I hit a nerve. I'll call you sparky instead." You watched the vain in his forehead form, and you laughed.

"Tch. fuck you." He sat back down in his seat and looked away.

   A few minutes had passed and your food finally came along with your drink. You quickly inhaled the food and started downing your margarita when you made eye contact with Bakugou across the bar. He has one eyebrow raised and an ugly look across his face.

  "What's your problem. You're eating like you haven't eaten in weeks. Slow the fuck down and don't kill yourself." He rolled his eyes and looked at kirishima who was now asleep laying his head in his arms.

  You rolled your eyes and finished your drink, setting it on your empty plate. " I haven't. So excuse me if I'm eating like I'm starving." You watch as he gets up and smacks kirishima head to wake him up.

   "Come on shitty hair we have to go back before aizawa has our asses for not being in the dorm." 

   Kirishima sleepily rubs his eyes and gets up to follow Bakugou out the door. " bye y/n! Nice to meet youuu!" He waves at you and smiles a toothy grin and drunkenly follows after Bakugou.

   "I guess I should get going too..." you said to yourself. You got up and started your walk back to aizawas house.

  "I fucking hope I never see them in school. Maybe they were talking about a different Aizawa..." (the italics are your thoughts. I'm tired of writing "you thought" lmao)

Once you get back home you lay on your bed and cover up in the black comforter on the bed as your eyes became heavy, soon you drifted into a deep sleep.

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