Chapter 5 - Polaris

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Pandora had spent all of Saturday morning anticipating the very moment when the clock would strike twelve, and she'd be in a car with the Snow boy on their way to the Citadel. Despite all of her objections, her father had declared this a nonnegotiable. There was no way out. She was a bird in a cage.

She didn't go downstairs for breakfast, so one of the avoxes had brought up a scone. She hardly touched it. This was by worse than her first day back to the Academy. She'd rather relive her train wreck of a freshman year than have to participate in this idiotic internship.

    Part of her felt as though she was overreacting, but then she remembered the root of all of it. Sejanus was dead—and the grass on his grave, if he even had one, didn't even have time to cover the dirt before Coriolanus Snow came and usurped everything that was once his. Was it ridiculous for her to still be grieving? Everyone around her made her feel as though she was going mad. What made it even worse was that the only thing left was a picture of him and the boy who took his place standing side by side. At the center of it all was the Snow boy, and she'd be stuck with him practically the entire year.

The one thing she was thankful for though, was that she didn't have to sport the Academy rouge during her time at the lab. If there was something she loved more in the world than Ma, Clemensia, and of course Sejanus, it was fashion. She walked into her closet with the intention of finding one of the many outfits that she could only dream of wearing to school. It was a bizarre coping mechanism, but it helped her to calm herself.

One piece in particular caught her attention. It was one of the many gifts that she received from Tigris since her brother's passing, a black plaid skirt that would pair perfectly with her white button up and a matching waistcoat. A bit simple for her liking, but it was an internship after all. She felt strange leaving the house without a pair of tights, so she made sure to wear her favorite pair. If she would be forced to do this, she might as well have fun with what she wore.

Adorning it all was a dainty golden necklace that carried a pendant of the north star. When they were little, Sejanus had bought it for her at one of the many underground markets in District 2. When they got older she asked why he chose that specific one. Of course, he didn't have a reason, so he made one up. "Well, I guess if you ever get lost you'll know that you have me to guide you in the right direction. A reminder of sorts."

    "Pandora the car is waiting out front," she heard Ma yell from down the stairs, taking her away from the memory. She adjusted the necklace in the mirror; No matter what happened in this lab, she promised herself that she'd be guided by her brother's compassion.

    Waiting for her at the front doors was none other than Coriolanus Snow. As much as she hated to admit it, he didn't look half bad. He was dressed for the fall weather, which reminded Pandora that she definitely was not, but the task of going all the way back up the stairs seemed so taxing. Whatever, she'd be indoors anyway.

What didn't help was that he gave her the same look that Ma did every time she forgot her coat in the colder months. The, 'I won't say anything, but I'm judging you,' look, defined by a quick scan of whatever she was wearing and a blank expression.

    He opened the door for her and the two made their way to the car. The ride was entirely silent, which was unusual for Coriolanus. Usually he had something that he wanted to say, but given the bags underneath his eyes he must have had a long night. Being a university student was not a good look on him.

    The Citadel wasn't too far from either of their schools, but it certainly was more of a marvel. Like most buildings in the Capitol, it was covered with the flag of Panem, and was a perfect representation of Capitol architecture. Pandora added the atmosphere to her mental list of things to keep her sane throughout her time there.

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