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gunwook's pov
first person

i dragged miyeong through the back yard and into the deserted road. "where are we going?" she asked, shaking our connected hands. "you'll see!" i whispered, slyly checking my phone. everything is in place, good. earlier today, i asked my friend han yuseop from the music department to help me set this all up.


earlier today...
gunwook's pov

online now

yuseoppppp hyungggg
i like highkey need your

whats up gunwook???
are you okay???

yes but could you help me
i want to take miyeong on a
cute date
but i dont know what to do

ohhh my gunwookie is
growing uppp
does she like cute things?
like flowers and picnics?
i have some things that i
could set up for you!

hyung you are saving my life
i really appreciate it!!

anything for my favorite
now you owe me!!
send me some inspo pics
of things she likes!!

yes sir!
*sent nine photos*
opened by han yuseop

-han yuseop saved four
photos to camera roll

ill get yeojun to help me...

thank you thank you thank
you thank you!!!

uh huh
now you better not mess this
ive been rooting for gunyeong
since forever

how do you...

hyunbeen told me
seen 13:27


gunwook's pov
first person

now that it is dark outside, the mood really fits. they never sent pictures of what the final set up was so i'm going to be just as surprised as miyeong. i really hope she likes it. i'm actually very nervous right now so i hope my hands aren't sweating, that would be a major embarrassment.

as we get closer to our final destination, the street lights really start to illuminate miyeong's face. i can't help but look over at her. she is too busy staring at the scenery to notice, i think. "why are you looking at me like that?" she asks, still glancing around the empty area ahead. shit what do i say???

"you just look really pretty, i can't help it." real smooth gunwook, real smooth. she tilts her head, now meeting my eyes. they are sparking in the evening light, it's beautiful. one of my favorite sights. miyeong grins, her cheeks plump and pink. "i think you're pretty too, wook" she laughs. i love when she laughs.

over the next couple minutes, she continues to babble and try to guess where we are going, each guess even more different from the last. "are we going to get ice cream? what about apple picking? are we going to feed the fish? no, maybe we are going to- woah."

she finally stops when she felt me tug on her hand. miyeong looked up to see a cute little picnic set up right along the edge of the han river. the boys really outdid themselves. i owe them a shit ton of something.

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