shono hotel, restaurant, bar, and ship- part 3

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When Shay woke up, she was happy to find she was in the same spot that she slept in, but the ship was now in motion.

She grabbed at her neck to check if her log pose was still there- it wasn't, which somehow felt incredibly wrong to her, like somebody had stolen one of her organs, even though it had only been almost a day since she found the treasured gadget.

It was about midday, Shay at least gauged that from the position of the sun. As she stood up and looked around the deck she realized there were a bunch of people having lunch and chattering, they side glanced her like she was some sort of circus act, not that Shay would realize it though.

She fumbled around looking for someone she could possibly talk to but it was like everyone was in their own world, they refused to help her, or they were scared of her. It's not like she could go anywhere else but the deck, inside the hotel was access denied without money.

Defeatedly, Shay stood near the bar area, looking down at the ocean and munching on seaweed until a little human girl tugged at the end of her baggy green shorts.

Swiftly, she turned around, "Woah! Hey! Can you tell me what ship I'm on?", Shaykyo friendlily asked the girl as she crouched down to her level, not noticing that her grin showed her rows of sharp teeth.

"Shono hotel, restaurant, and bar ship with direct service to poshop island", the small girl responded robotically.

It was clear that she'd never had seen a fishman before, Shay, not being well traveled, was oblivious to this.

The news about the ship she was on made Shay grin triumphantly, she thought about the seabird, and mentally thanked it, hoping the bird would subconsciously know how grateful she was for its help.

Without noticing, the small child, no older than 5 was now frozen in fear in front of Shay.

"H-hers your necklace I find when my dad was trying to wake you up", the girl managed to choke out as she held Shay's precious log pose out like a person who's scared of dogs trying to give a dog a treat.

With a webbed hand, Shay gently grabbed the log pose and put in back around her neck, giving it a kiss.

"Thank you so much this log pose means a lot to me, what's your name?", Shay asked the human girl.

"Corali, and I'm four and a half years old", she muttered, clearly still terrified.

"Well hi Corali, I'm Shaykyo and I'm thirteen years old", Shay chirped.

"Oh wow your so tall, why are you so purple and shark?", she asked, now getting slightly more comfortable talking.

Shay laughed at this, never having her appearance be described so simply.

"It's because I'm a fishman, same reason why you've got unwebbed hands, it's cuz your a human", Shay explained, pointing a webbed finger at Corali's hands.

"Your really nice and cool, I don't know why I was scared", Corali shrugged casually, she spoke weirdly articulately for a four year old.

"High five?", Shay asked, stretching her hand out. Corali then jumped up and gave her a high-five.

"Hey Shaykyoe can we walk?", Corali suggested, "Sure!" so they started walking around the deck.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor?", the four year old asked. "I was REALLY tired, I'm trying to get to poshop island but the rowboat I was using wasn't cut out for such a trip", Shay shrugged, Corali listened intently.

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