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Fang spread the layers of her robes one by one, shrugging out of each and letting them puddle on the floor behind her; Valen sat on the couch, mouth half-open and pupils expanding from narrow black slits to dark ovals. When she was done and stood naked before him, she pointed at his robe's dark silk belt. "Give me that."

Valen obeyed, untying it without taking his eyes from her. "Yes, My Lady." She watched his throat bob as he swallowed; Valen presented the strip in his hands as if making an offering, and Fang took it with the same gravity.

"So, if you haven't guessed already, we're going to play a new game. The rules are the same, but the way we play it is going to be a little different. Now put your hands behind your back," she commanded, her voice soft but firm. Valen blinked, but he obeyed and tucked his arms between his back and the couch. Fang praised him again and explained as she walked behind the couch, "I'm going to tie your hands so you can't touch me with them. I want you to try other ways of touching me – you can use your mouth, your body, your tail, whatever you can think of."

Valen looked back over his shoulder, breaths accelerating as his excitement grew. "Am I allowed to kiss you, My Lady?"

"That's touching me, isn't it?" Fang grinned when Valen whipped his head eyes-front again, not quite fast enough to hide his delighted expression. She finished tying a slip-knot, one she could release with a quick tug if things got out of hand, and asked "How does that feel? If it's too tight I'll redo it."

Valen twisted his wrists and shuffled his arms. "I think it's fine, My Lady."

"Good." Fang returned to stand in front of him. "Do you remember the rules?"

The Dragon Prince nodded. "You're going to tell me what you want me to do, and I'm going to do it. You won't make me do anything dangerous, and I'm to trust you. You won't let anything bad happen to me, but if I'm uncomfortable I have to tell you so you don't accidentally hurt me."

"That's right Valen, and because you got it right I'm going to give you a reward. Sit back." Naked, Fang climbed into Valen's lap and spread his robe open, laying her body against his bare chest as she straddled his thighs; the Drass moaned and his eyes rolled at the warm press of Fang's small breasts on his scales. "Did you like that?"

Valen sighed, "Yes, My Lady!"

"Good boy, Valen. Want to kiss me?"

"Hngh, please," Valen began to squirm under her, shifting his shoulders and hips. He watched her with wide eyes, waiting for her permission. He swallowed hard and added, "You... you said I could, but I wanted to ask–"

Fang bit her lip as she smiled at him. "You're so sweet, always asking for permission. Yes, Valen you can kiss me. I want you to." She giggled when Valen's body rippled under her, heat rising from his groin as he grew more excited. He sat up as tall as he was able, stretching towards her and licking his lips while his legs shuffled under Fang's ass, eager and getting harder by the moment. Feeling merciful, Fang closed the distance and kissed the corner of his mouth first. Valen's chest vibrated with a low, sweet growl and he turned his head to follow Fang's lips. His shoulder jerked and he huffed, frustrated that he couldn't hold her with his arms, then he settled for twisting his upper body slowly to rub his chest against Fang's breasts. Fang ran her fingers through his short, uneven hair, "Very good, Valen, that's exactly what I wanted you to do. Good boy."

Valen groaned, mouth opening and tongue slipping out to flick against Fang's cheek. His jaw opened wider and Fang felt the rub of his short gold-capped tusks on her skin, smooth and warm and not at all dangerous to her. His teeth scraped over her cheek and jaw and Fang leaned into him, stroking his hair, horns and ears while she listened to him pant against her neck. He loves this! Obviously he liked having a naked woman in his lap – who wouldn't? – but the challenge of not being able to use his hands must be stimulating to his mind as well as his body. And what a body! Under his scaled and plated skin hard muscle swelled with surprising strength for his size, and something as slight as shifting his thigh to make room in his tightening leggings set Fang rocking; after going riding with him she could appreciate the strength in Valen's legs that kept him astride his manyu. And me, Fang smiled to herself.

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