The potions teacher

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Scanning through her schedule Clover
Noticed that the first class she had was potions, getting up from the Gryffindor table she looked to Harry who smiled "You got potions too" he asked skimming through his with excitement, ready to learn. Clover onone hand really didn't need to learn anything but decided to broaden her knowledge. Heading down towards the dungeon clover noticed it was cold and silently summoned a wool sweater over her robes. The others were amazed at how she was able to even create a sweater out of thin air. Heading into the room she took a seat at the front with Ron, Harry, Hermione sitting on the other side of her.

"Can you make me a sweater?" asked Hermione who looked cold. Grabbing a sweater she gave to Hermione who mouthed a thank you. Closing her eyes Clover was aware of the tall dark figure standing over her with such malicious content. She had only heard him insulting Harry before she spoke sounding like her great-great grandfather would. "you suspect a child who has lived with muggles for 11 years of his life, unknown to the wonderful. Corrupted world that is the wizarding world? You expect this boy to be knowledgeable in the sense it helps your ego?"

Snape had a bemused smile on his face before turning his back, detention with me for a years time, don't add it on"

"Id rather kill myself" Clover said not glancing up from her book that she was looking through, she knew that because of her hetriage she would get treated differently, but she did not like the fact that this man who is suppose to be teaching decided to round a boy who just learned about the wizarding world. it had made her angry.  "beside aren't you suppose to be teaching?" snape curled his lips into a sneer giving off a look that would spell murder, he looked right into Clovers bright blue eyes and smiled a sickly smile. "you must really enjoy getting in trouble, but that is to be expected what with your Great-great grandpa and what not"  Clover sighed and pushed her book to Harry who gadly accepted and began jotting down what she had written. Snape went back to teaching as Clover held up her middle finger before winking at them. "you can get in trouble for that" 

shrugging Clover only smiled she didnt care she needed to get stronger, the man she wants to end is a long standing enemy one that is still alive and she won't rest until she is dead her own mother the woman who sold her out. the woman who gave her voldermoert on the night that he rose to power she has the dark mark to prove it but keeps it hideden from view as she choose her hip for the hip to keep people from seeing it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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