The Other Side: Prologue

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Disclaimer:  I do not own the characters that are specified which shows that are from.

Author’s Note: Just as a warning that this story is going to be ridiculous, so give up on trying to make sense out of it, lol. It is something that I thought of while writing in forums and after watching the Ghost Whisperer episode about Sally Stich. This fanfiction is going to contain multiple crossover with a few different movies and TV shows.  And most of all I’m writing this really for fun. I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Read on!


Kate was up late that night as usual, sitting in front of her computer, chatting in a social site called the Connection Circle. In this social network, people can chat with each other in chat rooms, forums and play multiplayer games together. All they need to do is sign up, set up their own profile and they are all ready to use it.

Kate became quite addicted to this particular social network since she joined. She logged in almost every night to chat and surf the forums. Perhaps, she found it quite relaxing after having a long day at college.

Stone117: Yo

Ko986(Kate): Hey

Stone117: Hey hey, have you heard something scary about this site??

Ko986: No? What is it???

Stone 117: Whoa, do you really wanna know?

Ko986: Quit it Stoney =.= I know you are practically dying to let me know, lol.

Stone117: You suuuuuuure?

Ko986: =.= Yes, I’m sure so spill

Stone117: Have you ever got a cursed chain email?

Ko986: You mean the ones that said you’ll be haunted if you don’t send it to others?

Stone117: Yup, that type. I heard rumors here that there’s one chain email that might had caused the disappearance of a few members here.

Ko986: Lol, you really believe that? Those are usually bullshits.

Stone117: Well, I went and check their profiles, they haven’t logged in for months!!

Ko986: Stoney… did it ever occur to you they might have been busy with their lives?

Stone117: Ya, but it’s too much of a coincidence!

Ko986: Ya ya, I got a few of those in the past in my email, and I’m fine! Duh! Those are just hoax to scare people.

Stone117: Well, just pass it on if you got any from here. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.

Ko986: When I get it I’ll delete it. People need to stop this nonsense. Jeez! I’m gonna go to the bed now. See ya

Stone117: See ya

She exited the chatroom and proceeded to her private messages before logging out. In her inbox was only one new mail. It had no title. She clicked it and the first thing she saw was a picture of a  beautiful girl lying in a coffin with blood red roses all over her. Above her seemed to be her reflection as the coffin was still there. Just that there was an ugly gargoyle lying in her place and in what seems to be of another world with dark skies and destroyed village.

Below it was written:

You are marked. You must send this by 12 am tonight or or I shall drag you to my world forever. Send this on to at least 20 people. You have been warned.

Kate sighed aloud and wondered how can the person who created it didn’t bother to make it more creative. It was a short message and the picture wasn’t that scary at all. Un-impressed, she instantly clicked the delete button and log out from the forum.

Switching off the light, she climbed onto her soft bed and closed her eyes.

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