Chapter 4

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"—and then I was like, 'suck on that, shitfrick.'"


"Hiya guys!" Aran cheerfully greeted, sitting down with Fallon and I.

"Where's Mary?" Fallon asked. "Aren't you two, like, always together?" At this point she leaned over and whispered, "I ship them," to me, which I just sighed at.

"Oh, she's talking to the corporal," The blonde girl informed us.

"Shit, what happened?" I asked, assuming something was wrong, which apparently wasn't the case.

"Nothin'! They just started talking. Why? I dunno," Aran shrugged, starting to eat.

"Anyways, do you wanna hear the story of how I—" Fallon started.

"No," I interrupted.

"Sure!" Aran replied regardless.

"Alright, so me and Darwin were training in the forest area, and there was this one fake Titan, and we both noticed it at the same time. Right as he thought he had it, I swooped in and stole the kill from him!" As I sat through this story again, I just stared at Fallon frantically waving her hands around. I started mocking her movements behind her while she was facing Aran, who noticed and tried to hide her laughter. "And the whole time, he's yelling, 'Don't you dare! Don't you even dare!'" She started laughing at her own story, which she has probably told 10 thousand times at this point. "And then I was like, 'suck on that, shitfrick.'" As she turned slightly, I dropped my arms and acted like I was eating the whole time, which Fallon narrowed her eyes at.

"Were you mocking me?"

"Hm? I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, using all my willpower not to smirk.

"You were! I saw you!"

"Then why'd you ask if I did if I clearly did?"

Fallon just started sputtering, but stopped when Darwin sat down, followed by a disgruntled sigh. You could practically see the storm clouds above his head, he was so pissed off.

"Well damn, someone isn't happy," I noticed. "What's your problem?"

"Just got out of briefing," He said, being vague about the issue.

"Okay...and?" I asked, trying to figure out the problem here.

"I have to go on the upcoming expedition, but I went on the last one. Can't I get a break?" The brown haired boy whined.

"I can't really help you with that," I said, doing exactly what I said: not being helpful.

He just groaned and said, "Thanks," in response, clearly being sarcastic.

"Well what am I suppose to do?" I snapped, feeling a slight sting of annoyance.

"Uh, wish me luck? Offer to help me train tomorrow? Tell me I'll do fine?" He replied in that 'duh' tone.

"As if that would help," I said, thinking that even if I did say one of those, he'd still be pissed off.

"It would still be nice," he grumbled.

"Oh my God," I hissed, getting up and leaving. The best way to avoid conflict is to just leave. At least for me (not really, I'm still pretty ticked afterwards). I stormed past Mary who was just walking in without a word. But she's smart enough to read me.

It was night, so I didn't really have the option of doing anything outside to get my mind off things. I mean I could walk, but I'm not much of a walker. I just went back to my room. I climbed up to my bed, landing face first in the pillows and just let out a long groan. After I let that out, I reached under the pillows and pulled out a book with a pencil attached. I opened up to a blank page and just doodled flowers and cats. ...Yeah, shut up, I like drawing flowers and grass. Can't draw cats too well though.

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