chapter three

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.                             Yomi

"OMG what I'm doing where did this blodness came from" yomi said on the roof
That doesn't help he so hot, I took his shirt it smell so nice how can someone be so hot and sweet at the same time he was build I must be in love his muscles his wet hair begin so messy I thought to myself walking on the building back forth "let's just go home" I said running on the air
The next morning
(Yaaahn) "that was the best sleep I ever had since will I don't know" I said stretching and going to the kitchen "hey dad" I said sitting on the chair by the table "what's for breakfast" yomi said "what do want sweetie" aziawa said I want that boy to be mine i thought to my self" ummm waffles?"yomi said lifting her eyebrows"That can be doen" aziawa said "thanks dad I'm going to get ready for training" I said standing up and went to my room let's wear my sport bra and a short and shoes I tited my hair up in a ponytaill and got ready to train "okay I'm ready dad" I said
After I eat food it was delicious I went outside "woo" I said looking at the actment "okay you have to run up hill 600m and and punch 600 times on the punching bag and kick 600 times are you ready yomi" aziawa said "that's lot but I think I can do it" I said with confidence, "you can do this! Half way" aziawa said screaming, "I can do this I'm half way more then half " I said running faster , after I ran I drank some water lot af water " are you ready to punch be calm but use your strength" aziawa said hold the punching bag " Okay dad" i hit hard the hol time "hard!" Aziawa said if he wants harder I'll give him hard that one punch the punching bag hit the ground "Well done yomi let's get kicking" aziawa said getting a other punching bag "ready?" Aziawa said holding the bag again "yeah I'm" I said out af breath "breath yomi" aziawa said looking me in my eyes "yes dad" I said and starting kicking it the last kick it went against the wall "I did" I said before passing out
"You did sweetie you can rest now" aziawa said catching me

Next day

Yaanh that was good sleep "did you sleep will sweetie" aziawa said coming in and bring food "yeah dad I did" I said
Sitting straight up "here you go you know next week is big " aziawa said going and closing the door I eat the stuffing it in my mouth "why is this so good" I said with a mouth fol I got Dressed and did some yoga and stretches and went for a run a 15 mile just to get my paste I was sweating so much it was hot day I went to the convince store and got ice cream with cold water and eat it I saw some guys walking by and checking me out maybe dads right I should put more clothes on
A guy came to me "hey there pretty lady how about you stop sucking that ice cream and suck mine" he said putting his arm by me head I stop and use my quirk so it will stay up I put my hair up "are you getting ready" he said I took his arm twisted it puchn him in the face and kick him in the stomach and let him go "what the fuck how dare you hurt by friend" one of the other guy said "if you don't wanna get gurt then I would walk away buys" I said taking the ice cream back and eating it then a guy was behind me I saw them ran away I looked back and I saw a guy he was build wait it was the guy that I kissed yesterday does he know it's me. "thanks but I had it" I said t0aking big bite of my ice cream "no problem " he said walking by me he had tank top on with a short he was really hot tall his beautiful green eyes on my gosh I went back into the. Store a got me two bag of chips some chocolate and paid for it is it your cheat they he ask his voice is so deep "no it's movie night with my dead " I said looking back and smiling at him I walked back home "dad I'm home" I said I got the chips and chocolate ready. I took a hot shower after I did my skin care routine and got in clothes it was big shirt I didn't wear anything beneath it I needed blood again I went back to the place the widon was close then I looked in I didn't she anything then the widow opened someone grabbed me me and he turned and he was on top of me he couldn't see me of the mask "got ya will let me see who you are " he said "and why should I trust you huh?" I said putting my arms round his neck and my legs round his waits for a grip he sit up straight "if you just wanted a make out you could of just say so" I said "no I w as my to know who you are" he said " will that's to bad because I want blood and I'm getting it" I said "find if I let you do this will I get a kiss" he said lifting a eyebrow "maybe" I said taking the mask half way off and drinking his blood when I was dine I lck his neck and kissed him with tongue he kissed back we did that it about for 10 minutes I stopped and let go "bye see you again darling " I went out the widow and went home it was 10 pm my dad was tired so I watch movies and eat the food before bed I went get a glass and pourd some water in with ice I locked all the doors and windows I took my glass and went bed and brushed my teeth and I check my self out "damn I am hot" I said went to bed and slept

woke four am up and trained more in till seven am in the morning  I eat food it was ries with seaweed and meat with eggs I went to my room and put my old school uniform on "bye dad I'm off see you" I said walking out the door I ran on the air so I missed traffic I went to the school and walked trough the gate the first step of becoming a hero I saw . . . Him again is he following what was he doing here?, no distractions I must go I walked in front of him "hey?" He said "what are you doing here" he said lifting eyebrow "becoming a hero what did you miss and why are you here"i said ling over ,"no and I'm also becoming a hero" he said "sure you didn't miss me will got to go see ya"I said walking through the doors this hol place was fol af people my seat was 1776 I was next to Ida my old friend I went to my seat "hi ida long time no see"i said talking my seat ,"hello aziawa" he said proper "I told you to call me yomi it's really fine please call me that I beg you ida" I said "fine yomi" he said looking straight forward,"thank you ida" I said tilting my head towards him,"everyone take a seat" pro hero mic said oh my gosh it's mic I am glad to see him again I thought to my self, after he told everyone what is going to happen I was in the B section
I put on my shorts and my sport bra on and my shoes my was in a ponytaill the bride in , I saw a guy with green hait talking to ida poor him ida is going to destroy him I did some stretches before  we had to go 1.2.3 go!!!!!! The speaker yelled Everyone was running going for the robots I jumped super high and killed two af the 3cp robot in one kick I ran after then ever and made
Power, portal and white fire I made a portal where some robots fell and made them fall by me burned them "to easy" I said running to the girl i saw her, her quirk is gravity, she touched some robots and they float, I jumped really high and killed and took her kills when I land "thanks suger" I yelled to her and kept running that's 143 nother free kill I saw ida running at the robot "hey ida" I said getting closer to him "that's my kill yomi leave it" he said looking mad ,"not if I kill it first" I said Teleproting it by the roof so it can fall "that's 144 now" I said I saw girl falling I ran to her and catching her and putting her down "are you okay"i said it felt like earthquake but it wasn't it was the four xp it was huge I stepped back everyone was running I should two I saw the green haired jumping really high by its height he broke it the holl thing just to save that girl ran to them he was falling  I took my wings out I flew to him and catch him "are you okay" I yelled looking shocked"thank you for saving me" he said passing out I went to the ground put him down and healed him everyone came to see what happened " holy shit he is beating up" I said a his body went back to normal but was still as sleep the nurse came and said" I will take him good job sweetie you did great" she smiled I stand up away from him I put my wings back and went to the girl he saved I healed her and ask " are you okay?" I said picking her and and putting her down "yeah I'm okay I'm Ochaco uraraka and you" she said in sweet voice  "I'm kamiko tatsumaki aizawa but call me yomi" I said in a down voice "you know him" she said pointing him out "no but I feel bad for him" I said looking a away  ," your so cool how many powers do you have" she said " only three I can make quirks ,erase quirks and angel wings"i said looking back at her ,"that makes sense" she said putting her hand on her hip "I'm going to see pro hero mic" she said ,"okay maybe I'll see again" i  said she went to pro hero mic if we can gave midoriya some af are points, "female listener you can't do that okay I'm sorry he'll be okay" pro hero mic said and rubbing her head"okay" she said we went home
.                      3 weeks late
"Yomi!, you got the letter" dad said giving it to me "really!" I said jumping  up and down "here yomi go watch it" dad said handing it to me welcome to UA yomi you have great power you saved two kids your saving points are 70 and your robot killing is 190 are going to UA after the video I told my dad I'm in UA he smelled and gave me a hug I was so glad

Thank you for reading this sorry if it's cringe my first time writing a book give me time

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