Getting the List

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Several firetrucks drive to the CIA Headquarters. Luther sits inside one of them and looks out a small window. Ethan, Y/N, Franz, and Claire, who are all disguised as firefighters, run into the building and go to the front desk.

Ethan: We picked up alarms in Sector 3, 7, and 12.

Guard #1: Yeah, that's what I've got too.

Ethan: What sector's the air conditioning?

Guard #1: 21, but there's no alarm in Sector 21.

Luther hears this from the other side and starts hacking into the building's alarm system.

Ethan: No, I gotta get in there and shut it down.

Guard #1: I'm sorry, but nobody gets into any sector where an alarm hasn't gone off.

Luther types something into his computer.

Ethan: Oh, you wanna blow the fire through this whole building?

Beeping is heard from the computer on the other side.

Guard #2: Look, no one goes into any sector where the alarm hasn't gone off, and it hasn't gone off in 21.

Guard #1: Wait.

He shows the other guard the computer, showing the alarm has indeed gone off in Sector 21. Luther gives a victorious smirk.

Guard #1: It's gone off. Let's go.

Ethan: Let's move.

The guard runs off and the team follows after him. As they run through the hallway, Claire stops at a door and enters the room as the rest go on. Donloe is preparing to leave the outer room of the vault.

Donloe: Can I get you anything?

The woman at the desk looks up at him.

Woman: No, thank you.

Donloe leaves the room and the guard and "firefighters" are close by.

Guard #1: 21's through here.

He unlocks a door and leads them inside the room. The sign on the door says "SERVICE". Kittridge and a few IMF agents stand in a room with a large screen showing a database of Ethan.

Kittridge: He's recruiting. For what purpose?

A beeping noise goes off inside the room.

Agent: Survival.

Kittridge: Too shortsighted, this guy initiates, he's proactive. The question is what does he want? Where does he need to get it? And, Barnes, what the hell's that noise?

Barnes: Uh, fire alarm, Gene.

Kittridge sighs.

Kittridge: Do we have to evacuate?

Claire steps out of the room she was in, wearing business attire, a pair of glasses, and an ID tag. She walks off to another room and the guard leaves the service room. Claire enters a room and just a few seconds later, Donloe enters the room as well. The guard continues to walk away from the room, but comes to a stop. Inside the room Claire entered, which is a sort of lunchroom, Donloe presses a few buttons on one of the machines. The security guard looks around for a second, then turns back and starts walking again. He goes back into the service room, where Ethan, Y/N, and Franz are getting their firefighter uniforms off. He closes the door behind him and notices that one of the team members is missing.

Guard #1: Hey, there were four of you. Where's the other guy?

Without warning, Y/N gets the guard in a chokehold and starts to choke him out. Franz pulls out a knife and tries to stab the guard.

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