Getting Better

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It had been a month since their last fight. Roger was surprised honestly they used to fight almost everyday. Roger had slipped a few times but it never led to full fledged fights, just small arguments. Mark would remind him that he was trying to get better. Roger would then back off or try to make his point without yelling.

It was hard especially at first not to fall back into old habits. Roger was seeing a therapist; he didn't know how they were going to afford it. When Roger brought it up he would say they'd figure out. Roger didn't feel confident even if Mark knew how.

If he could only break through his writer's block, maybe he'd be able to write a song and get a gig somewhere with his band. It wouldn't be a lot if it would help Roger would do it. It was him who needed help after all.

A knock sounded on the door. Mark was too busy fiddling with his camera to notice. Roger sighed that meant he'd have to answer and deal with whoever was knocking. Roger got off his spot next to Mark on the falling apart sofa to the door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Collins standing there.

"Your back?" Roger asked curiously Collins had left a while ago to live on his own. He was now back for the first time with a backpack full of things.

"Just stopping by for a bit I got you boys something. Can I come in?" Collins asked he chuckled at Roger's confused expression.

"Yeah of course." Roger said he moved into the living room allowing Collins to enter. Roger was shocked to see his friends he had left after April's death and hadn't been back for the last seven months. He called every once in a while not that Roger would know since Mark always answered the phone. Roger could never be bothered to get up and deal with the person on the other line.

Collins cleared his throat and poked Mark trying to get his attention. Mark looked up, his attention finally being broken from his camera. "Collins!" Mark said excitedly he left his camera on the couch for once as he got up to hug Collins.

Roger felt a prick of jealousy as he watched he repressed it. Mark was friends with Collins there was no need to get jealous. Roger still couldn't stop the feeling even as he tried to ignore it. Everyday it seemed it kept getting worse Roger knew that he was falling hard. He had no claim to Mark he felt that was the problem. What if someone especially Maureen tried to get with him?

"We can't leave grumpy pants out over there." Collins said he laughed when Roger sent him an unamused glare for the name.

"Come on Rog, don't you want to see Collins after seven months?" Mark asked him. Collins' happiness was infectious to everyone but Roger it seemed Mark was grinning just as much as him.

Roger crossed his arms over his chest and turned away he knew that if he looked at Mark his anger would disappear. Roger was being stubborn and he wasn't going to let Mark ruin it. Roger had missed Collins hell if he was going to show it though.

Collins whispered something to Mark he nodded. Roger wasn't watching so he didn't notice that the boys were planning something. "Hey Rog, come here." Mark said he had to fight to keep the mischievous grin off his face.

"What are you planning?" Roger asked suspicious glaring at Mark.

"Nothing." Mark said he motioned Roger to come forward with his hand. Roger shook his head and walked over to Mark hesitantly. Mark couldn't hold back his smile anymore as Roger walked over to him and Collins. Mark pulled Roger into a hug and then Collins joined.

"Really." Roger grumbled as he looked at his friends unamused. Collins and Mark laughed Roger felt his cheeks darken from Mark being so close he could feel the heat radiating off of him. Mark's laughter was also like hearing a good song Roger wanted to hear it over and over again. It was a good thing when they boys were happy because they didn't always have things to be happy about especially in the winter.

Roger knew he was falling hard before long it was going to be impossible to hide his feelings. "Yeah really I haven't seen you in seven months." Collins said he squeezed his friend's shoulder before backing away leaving Mark still attached to Roger.

Roger rolled his eyes at Collins, the corner of his lip was curled upwards showing his happiness at seeing his friend. "You can let go now." Roger said to Mark who was still plastered to his side Roger hadn't even returned the hug yet he was still there anyways.

"It's cold, let me steal your body heat." Mark whined huddling closer to Roger.

"Then go get a blanket." Roger growled, pretending to be annoyed. One thing that certainly wasn't cold were his cheeks that were on fire.

"Don't want to I'd have to walk halfway across the loft to my room. Too far and you're warm so deal with it." Mark said he didn't seem to want to unlatch from Roger anytime soon. Collins chuckled and he winked at Roger. He had a look on his face like he knew more about this than he should.

Roger gave Collins a confused look. Collins just smiled at him and shrugged. Mark had his eyes closed, his head pressed into Roger's shoulder trying to leech more warmth from his friend. Roger still didn't know what the look from Collins meant and he was too afraid to ask. Did he somehow know about his crush on Mark?

Roger might have been too. Roger hadn't said anything to anyone, especially Collins. He had barely spoken to the man in seven months; he'd been preoccupied with his depression and lack of enthusiasm to do anything more than stare at a wall and sleep.

"Alright I'll leave you boys be. I left some groceries on the table and just return the bag. I'll come back for it in a few days." Collins said he looked at Roger one more time before saluting them walking towards the door.

"Thanks Collins, see you around." Mark said he waved at his friend.

"See you Mark and Roger." Collins said he gave them one last wave before shutting the door behind him.

"I wonder what he brought us?" Mark asked as he looked at the bag on the table.

"I wonder where he got it." Roger asked.

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