Chapter 2: Meeting Thakery Binx

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Somewhere deep in the shadows, three sets of eyes watched as they left the cemetery and headed back to there homes. "Is that him, Rubes?" a small black-and-light-gray tabby cat mewed softly to the lean black cat that was eyeing the gravestone of Emily Binx. Sharp amber-colored eyes turned to look into dark gray as the other cat spoke up. "We must follow them," she mewed in a low tone. "No, Ruby, we must stay out of sight," Dawn commanded. "But Thakery is our. brother! Shouldn't we at lest follow them or something?" the tabby striped cat was silenced by a low hiss from Dawn and Ruby. "Shush, Everest," she snapped. "We shall follow them in due time, just be patient and wait." Mewed Ruby calmly with a flick of her tail and a twich of her ears

Dawn sighed and jumped up on top of the gravestone to join Ruby. "Isn't it going to be quite a while before we can go and meet our brother?" Dawn asked her with a flick of her tail. Ruby sighed and flicked her ears back and forth. "Yes, it very well might be, Dawn," she mewed, "but we don't want to scare him into mistrusting us." She continued calmly and firmly. "But shouldn't Thakery know about our existence?" chimed in Everest from below the other two. Dawn sighed and looked into Everest's dark gray eyes with her sharp green gaze. "We must wait and be patient," she told her.

Then Ruby leapt off of her perch and the three cats ran back into the thicket of dark trees that were glowing faintly as the sun slowly began to rise in the sky. "Come on you two," she mewed. "We're going to go see our brother."


Binx laid upon the bed, curled up and enjoying his nap. After the eventful night that they had had, Dani and Max had adopted him as their pet, and he had been happy and content.

Binx's ears twitched as he heard the sound of claws scraping against the house's front door. Leaping to his feet, Binx hissed softly as a growl built up in his throat. Racing down the stairs, Binx quickly scanned around the room for any sudden movement. His alarmed meowing woke Max and Dani from there sleep. "What's wrong, Binx?" Dani asked him worriedly. She picked him up and began to pet him. "There's intruders outside," Binx mewed with a low growl. "Are you sure you're not hearing things, Binx?" Max asked him with a small frown forming on his face. "No I'm not Max!" Binx remarked with a bit of snark in his tone. "Is it the Sanderson sisters again?" Dani asked jokingly. Binx did not look amused in the slightest. "Not funny, Dani," he mewed. "I was just kidding, Binx," Dani replied with a small laugh as she flicked one of his ears playfully.

The door suddenly opened and they all turned to see three sets of eyes in the darkness. Binx leapt from Dani's arms with a menacing hiss. "Who are you?" the dark-furred feline hissed in a low tone. "And what do you want?" he added in a harsh and suspicious tone of voice. The first cat slithered out from the shadows and peered up at Binx with curious amber-colored eyes. "The name's Ruby," she said after a short while. "And those two," she made a gesture with her tail at the other two cats, then she continued. "Are my sisters, Dawn and Everest," Ruby mewed in a neutral tone of voice. "And you are...?" Dawn mewed curiously with a tilt of her head. Binx stared at the three cats for a moment before he replied. "The name's Thakery Binx," he said after a short while. "But you can just call me Binx," he added shortly afterwards.

Then Ruby turned to Dawn and Everest, and the three cats then began whispering quietly to one another. Binx blinked and stared at the three cats. Then shortly after the hushed conversations had ended, Ruby turned back around and stared directly at Binx, who just twitched his tail back and forth and he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her. "What?" he asked her with a bit of sass and suspicion in his tone. Ruby sighed softly and flicked her ears back and forth. "We need to tell you something very important," she mewed in a serious tone. Binx blinked in confusion and twitched an ear. "About what?" he asked her, sounding intrigued.

"We're your sisters, Binx," Ruby told him in a low whisper and Binx just stared at her with wide, disbelieving eyes. "You're what?!" He yowled in shock and surprise. "We're your sisters," Ruby repeated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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