V.1 - 9. The Badge and The Burden

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Thoughts or thinking: "Even if it's for training leaving students to die is going too far."

Talking: "What in the world is wrong with you?!"

Author: enjoy :)

Fake name: F/n


F/N's Pov
Sometime after the ceremony I make my way to Ozpin's office to confront him about the Death Claw in the emerald forest and why he made me the leader of a team. I step into the elevator and ascend to his office, I finally make it to the top, I step out of the elevator and I immediately see him at his desk, I glare at him as I walk over to him.

F/N: I slam my hands down on his desk. "You need to explain yourself!" He turns to face me as he sets his mug down.

Ozpin: "What do you mean Mr F/n?" He stares stoic at me which pisses me off.

F/N: "You know exactly what I mean!" I shout at him as Miss Goodwitch steps forward but Ozpin's puts his hand up to her, to stop her. "First, A Death Claw in the forest! You know exactly how dangerous they are! And second, Why the hell did you make me, a leader of a team!"

Glynda: her eyes widen. "A Death Claw... in the forest?!"

F/N: I turn to her. "Yeah a Death Claw! Me and the others were lucky it didn't do to much damage to us." I turn back to Ozpin. "You couldn't have got the teachers to help or something."

Ozpin: "That was an unfortunate but remember what I said "no teacher would interfere" it is the only way you could learn as huntsman and huntress considering the hardships you will face in the future, it's... to prepare you."

F/N: "I understand that! But a Death Claw isn't something a NEW STUDENT should face!" I say while I stare angrily at Ozpin as he takes a sip from his mug. Man I'm seriously going to smash that mug!

Glynda: "I understand you're angry but we've do it this way for years so no point getting more angry over it." I scoff at her response.

N/N: "Fine... the other matter, why. Did. You. Make. Me. A. Leader!"

Ozpin: "Because I believe you're the right choice and it will help you move on from your past." He just smiles which seriously irritates me.

F/N: "What would you know about my past..."

Ozpin: "A lot more then you think... Well a dusty old crow told me when he first met you."

F/N: "That damn old drunk!" I sigh. "So he told you why I'm not fond of people being around me then." Ozpin just gives me a nod. "That's not gonna work..." with that I walk away, stepping inside the elevator and leaving Ozpin's office

I lean against the wall of the elevator as it makes it quick descent down the tower, I think back to the conversation with Ozpin.

F/N: "Even if it's for training leaving students to die is going too far but you probably don't understand that and making me the leader of a team is a bad decision... it's not gonna change anything."

The elevator reaches the bottom as it snaps me out of my thoughts and I step out of the elevator and make my way to my dorm room. I reach the dorm and slowly open the door as I notice my other team members are fast asleep so I quietly enter the bathroom and change my clothes, I step out the bathroom and get into bed, sleep quickly taking me.

Third Person
Back with Ozpin a few minutes after F/n left.

Glynda: She turns to Ozpin. "Just what happened to him in the past?"

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