Chapter 5: Full Moon Frenzy

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The next day rolls around Dan and Hayley look at their calendars to see that tonight is a full moon and need to be prepared for the worst. The two go to school like normal by going to their first- third period classes. As third period ends, they are dismissed to go to the cafeteria  with April and the turtles. While sitting at the table, Donatello turns his head and notices Dan excessively sweating which concerns him, "Hey Dan are you okay? You seem to be sweating a lot" he says as his smile fades away. Dan looks at Donatello and assures him that he is alright, "Oh yeah I'm fine I don't think anyone turned on the air in here" he says as he grabs one of his books using them as a fan. Hayley seems to be very agitated to leave school due to her impatience from her looking at the clock as well as hearing everything around her from chatter to clinging utensils as she is sitting in her chair anxiously. As lunch ends, the two go to their fifth period class which concerns the group, Michelangelo talks among the group, "Guys I think there is something off with those two they left pretty fast which they have never done before" he says raising his suspicions. April seems to wonder why they left in a hurry but doesn't think too much of it, "Michelangelo they probably have other things to do that they are stressing out about after all it is just the two of them living in a house together" she says as Michelangelo get his mind off of it. Leonardo, Raphael, and Donatello were not convinced that what April said is the truth to which Donatello responds with no hesitation, "I know April but the rest of us aren't buying it unless it's coming from them would that explain the excess amount of sweating coming from Dan? Most likely not this seems fishy" he admits as he is crossing both of his arms along with Leonardo and Raphael little did they know that Dan and Hayley overheard their conversation from the restroom from the hallway and walk to their fifth period undetected. Later on in the day, Dan and Hayley race out of school to run out the doors to head home without having people stand in their way as they run past Leonardo as he calls out their names, "Dan! Hayley! Hayley!" to which he was unsuccessful. Nighttime rolls around and the group is seen looking up at the stars to admire the beauty and see the constellations from the rooftop while listening to music and recording videos, Leonardo couldn't stop thinking about how Hayley just ignored him while he was trying to call her name. Raphael gets up to look through the telescope to see the moon, "Wow this is beautiful I wish Dan and Hayley were able to see this" he tells the others while looking into the night sky. On the radio there is a broadcast telling the listeners of a burglary that is happening near the high school earlier today which excites the turtle brothers as well as April since she is looking for a new story to tell for the morning announcements. Everyone grabs their things to put in the turtle van as they get in to put their seatbelts on, Donatello messages his father, "Hey dad we are in the turtle van we heard of a burglary near the school we will be careful. Love and miss you we will see you at home" he types before they drive off to go stop the burglars. They drive up to the school and put the vehicle in park so it isn't running to grab the attention of the burglars and head inside quietly while April goes somewhere inside the school building to get better pictures for the paper. As they are walking in stealth mode they walk into a room that is empty to see April's photo room trashes and full of scratch marks while the group is examining the place to make sure there weren't any people and that no one is hurt while a loud bang was heard from the halls. The four walk in the hallway quietly glancing at each other scared which makes Raphael a little anxious and says loudly, "Hey who's there?! Come on out and fight us!" with anger in his eyes hearing the two things with a low growl while Donatello's knees are shaking while he is holding onto his staff, "Umm Raph we shouldn't be making this kind of noise someone will know we are here"  walking in the hallway with his brothers as Raphael gives a snarky response, "I don't care whatever is in these halls no matter how big they are will get a beatdown" holding his sais in both of his hands. April finds the lights to the power and turns them on so the turtles can see what they are facing which is revealed to be werewolves with sharp teeth with red orange and light green glowing eyes covered in dark and light brown fur standing on two legs with sharp claws and saliva dripping from their mouths. Donatello and Michelangelo look at the two creatures in horror and yell in unison, "What are those things?! Oh my god those are werewolves!!!" as they hug each other with Leonardo standing there frozen as Raphael says angrily, "Don't know don't care! I'm gonna take those things down with my sais" he tells his brothers as he charges at the two and gets hit by the dark brown werewolf and ends up hitting the wall getting knocked out in the process. As Leonardo sees the dark browned werewolf charging at his two brothers and fight to defend Raphael he sees the one with light brown fur and attacks to which he misses and gets thrown to the ground and slides on the floor. April sees Raphael unconscious and gets him to safety without the two werewolves seeing them. Donatello and Michelangelo both see Leonardo on the ground hurt and go to defend their brother until the werewolf they were fighting stands in their way. Leonardo wakes up and sees on the the werewolf's staring right at him as he drops his weapons he puts his fists up to not hurt it. Donatello turns to look at his brother, "Leonardo what are you doing? You can't take that thing by yourself." he yells out loud. His brother thinks of a plan "Okay Donnie you help get April and Raphael to the van. Mikey get the van turned on and ready so you can get out of here I will take care of these things by myself to give you both some time" he instructs them with confidence they will make it out okay. The two turtle brothers leave the area so Donatello can find April and Raphael to find out they are hiding in the photo room and directs the both of them outside towards the van by running with the duo while Michelangelo runs out to start the van so they can drive and leave the school. Inside the school building, Leonardo walks over to his weapons to use against the big dog like creatures, "Alright I dropped my weapons to not hurt the both of you I meant it and won't hold back" he states as he is charging towards the creatures to lay a punch on one of them ending up hitting the light brown furred werewolf on the face with his right breaking his hand. He dodges the dark brown werewolf's attack so quickly he almost got tackled while distracting the light browned werewolf strikes and ends up biting Leonardo on the arm with blood oozing out of his arm while he puts his left hand on his mouth and screams while his hand is on his mouth for no one to hear. Michelangelo starts the car waiting for his brother while April is holding onto Raphael and Donatello are waiting in the car for their brother to return, Michelangelo makes up his mind, "Donnie I'm going to find our brother and bring him back your in charge of the wheel" he steps out of the van to close the door behind him and runs inside to find his brother as he approaches the hallway, Michelangelo spots his brother not moving his hand assuming he broke it and his arm bleeding to which he gets the beasts attention, "You two!! Get away from my brother!" he says in a serious tone. Leonardo's vision starts to get blurry due to blood loss with his injuries on is hand and leg bothering him, "Mikey I told you to get out of here" he says while out of breath as Michelangelo jumps to his defense to only grabs Leonardo and his weapons by taking out a smoke bomb to disappear and distract the werewolves so they aren't seen. Michelangelo helps his brother by wrapping a bandage around his arm to carry him on his back since he is unable to walk. As they make their way out of the school, Donatello sees his brother injured and gets the car ready to get away from the werewolves by turning the ignition one but to his surprise he sees the doors open as the werewolves stand there to let out a big howl with Donatello, Michelangelo, and April freaking out and drive off while the two werewolves start chasing them. On the road to rush home, the trio takes a shortcut and hide their van to prevent themselves from being seen as the two werewolves run off. The trio grab Leonardo and Raphael gently through the sewers to bring them home so their wounds can be treated. As they approach their home, Donatello apologizes to everyone, "Hey everyone we are sorry that we went past curfew but...." as Splinter and the other mutants look to see Leonardo and Raphael in bad shape they quickly get supplies such as bandages and ice to treat their wounds, "We ran into some werewolves along the way" holding Leonardo as Michelangelo holds Raphael. Donatello and Michelangelo look down in shame blaming themselves for what happened to their brothers tonight while April helps the other two treat their wounds by helping the mutants. Sitting in a lab Cynthia Utrom sits as she rewatches the fight between the werewolf children and the turtles break out from a hidden camera in the school. While menacingly looking at the screen, "It appears that the turtles have run into our old enemies that you are looking for Oroku Saki or should I say The Shredder" looking back to see The Shredder full of rage, "Yes Cynthia. I have finally found them no more running away. The turtles will find out the truth why those two moved here to find out what they are and it will be madness" as he looks at the screen with no emotion.

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