Spilled coffee

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Danny's POV
"Fight!"some students exclaim as I walk down the hall,carrying my book bag. Students flood the hall to where the violent affair was happening as I walk towards my science class. Before I know it,I'm yanked to the right and in front of the affair taking place. I look to the side to see my best friend, Sam, smiling at me.

"Why did you bring me here?"I ask. His smile widens."Because Danny, there's a fight,and this is some of the only best entertainment at this boring school. Plus if we get into what everyone else is into, we may have a chance at being noticed and becoming cool!" I roll my eyes. Ever since freshman year, Sam wanted to be 'cool'. No matter how many times people told him things didn't work like that, he ignored them and was still persistent in what he was doing, so we left him alone.

I look out into the middle of the crowd to see a boy swing on the other. The hit was so powerful,it knocked him into some blue lockers. I roll my eyes once again. High school is so juvenile and I'm not one for fights. I've never had one before, and I wasn't planning on ever getting into one. I was bullied during my entire middle school years and wanted to fight people, but as I grew more and became even more humble, people just left me alone and I had my five friends.

More people shout and howl at the altercation, but my attention is shifted to something else. Zahra Jones. While being an exceptional cheerleader, she was also apart of the coolest clique of girls in school. The group consisted of mainly African-American girls, but one was Jamaican-American. Not only that, but she's a social butterfly, always skimming through life making new companions with her charms and nice outfits. She's special and for some reason other guys don't seem to notice it.

The only reason I know all this about her is because I watch her. I study her and her friends and make inferences about her life. I know it's quite creepy, and wish I wasn't such a coward and could maybe be her friend, but sadly, that's the way things are. I'm not her friend and she doesn't know that I exist. The only relationship we ever had was back in first grade where we were best friends. Things were Greta and we would always play together, but the next year things took a disappointing turn and she found other friends who were girls. I didn't try fighting for her attention, because I didn't think there was even a point in doing so.

As I slowly go back into reality, the two boys are still swinging and I see Zahra staring at me. Wait, she saw me staring at her?! A blush crosses my face and I pretend to watch the fight. When are the teachers going to help?

Zahra's POV
I watch the fight with shock as my girlfriends cheer on the two boys. I sigh. I never really liked altercations all that much and I don't see all the entertainment that other people gain from it. I continue to watch when I feel someone staring at me. I look around for a moment to only see a boy across the hall looking directly at me. Or was it something behind me? He looks deep in thought as he keeps staring in my direction. I feel my face heat up a bit.

I don't know why I'm blushing, I'm used used to people staring at me because of my socialite personality, but his stare just felt a bit different to me. Maybe it's because he's really cute. Wait did I really just think that? I mean, he's white and I'm black. If My friends ever found out, they'd never approve of it and would probably give me with never-ending jokes, laughs, and teases. Plus I've never dated outside my race before. It not that I didn't find other races attractive,I'm just kind of afraid of what my friends would think if I dated a boy outside my race.

The boy across the hall then snaps awake, looks at me, and looks another way. I sigh. Here I am overthinking again. Soon some teachers break the fight up and make is all go to class.

Danny's POV
I walk my way home from school reading my book, completely immersed in it. I don't worry about running into anything because barely any cars drove or people walked around my apartment building at this time. I pass my favorite coffee place, and stop to ponder a moment, debating whether I should go in or not. I finally decide to go in anyway and order a small coffee.

I sit on a stool and take slow sips from it whilst I read my book. From behind, I hear the door make its familiar jingle, indicating someone had just came in. They walk up to the counter next to me and order a peach fruit smoothie. A couple minutes later, a worker passes it to the person and while they turn to go, their elbow knocks my burning hot coffee over and into my lap. I shout and jump up, throwing my phone and book onto the counter and try to use tissue to stop the burning in my lap."Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry! Here let me help you!" The female exclaims and starts to use tissue to rub the coffee off my pants and shirt. I blush as she tries to wipe lower and I grab her hand.

"It's ok, I got it."I say and look into her eyes. It was Zahra. I stare in her brown eyes for a second longer and get back to cleaning myself up, the blush never leaving my face.

A few minutes later we stand outside the shop looking at each other awkwardly. "I'm really sorry about what happened,is there anything I can I to make up for it?"she asks. I just stare at her. She was so beautiful. She wasn't extremely skinny, but rather shapely instead with an hourglass figure. Her lips were red and plump, she had a small nose, arched eyebrows, and big, nice eyes with long eyelashes accompanying it. "Nah,it's fine."I reply."You sure? I feel really bad. Let me do something" she persists."Ok. Are you free Sunday afternoon?" I ask, putting my hands in my pockets, trying to sound nonchalant. On the inside, I'm actually freaking out. Why did I ask her that?! I'm such an idiot, she's probably going to think I'm weird! She eyes me for a moment.

"Yea."she says slowly. "Why,you wanna hang or something?" I can feel the blush in my cheeks."S-sure,what do you want to do?" I ask. "I don't know, just hang around town. That's what I usually do. Don't you do that?"she asks me."No.."I say and rub the back of my neck."Well you're going to this Sunday at two o'clock, got it?"she smiles. Shocked for a moment by her boldness, I nod my head and gulp. "Great!"she starts."See you there, uh, what's your name?"she asks. I manage to croak out "Danny". She smiles, winks at me, and walk off. I watch her hips sway as she walks off. What just happened?

(Edit: 7/4/15 - Omg I cannot believe myself sometimes! My writing here is trash to be honest, but I'm still glad that so many of you like my story! I'm currently editing it, so bear with me! I left a lot of potholes here and there but please forgive me, and hopefully my story will be a lot better.) So I decided to write this story because I felt that I needed a change and a breath of fresh air with my writing. It's time to try something different, and that's by writing my own original story! Every character in this story is completely made up and if anything is similar to something else,it's purely by coincidence. I own everything in this story because it came from my imagination and I hope you enjoy it! ~Brooklyndiva02

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