2 different worlds

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| 2 different worlds |

"Just five more minutes," Amir said as he sat on the stoop in front of his mothers home.

"Five more, after that you're coming inside," Fatima said to her 6 year old son. "It's cold out, I don't want you getting sick."

"He's coming, I'm sure of it," Amir said confidently. He had been waiting out there for almost an hour for his father. Christmas was in a week and he was supposed to be spending the break with him. It was not unusual for Ricky to stand him up though. He has done this twice now. Women and work seemed to be more important to him than spending time with his son. Fatima tried her best not to speak negatively about him in front of their child, but she also didn't want to keep building her sons hopes up just to let him down.

Fatima and Ricardo, also known as "Ricky" met each other in high school and were high school sweethearts. After high school they went off to separate colleges to pursue their careers. Ricky chased his career in acting and Fatima went on to pursue her career in music. Ricky is now a big time actress and has appeared in several movies. With all the fame and fortune, he let it all go to his head. Fatima on the other hand, although she had several number one albums she still tries to keep a normal life and not make it all about the riches. She was more on the humble side of life and that's where her and Ricky bump heads.

"Ms. Wilson, Ricardo is on line 1," Darcie, her assistant, and also friend said.

"Darcie," Fatima says, "what are you still doing here? It's late."

"I know ma'am," Darcie said. "I just wanted to make sure everything was all cleaned up around here before I take my vacation time."

"You have a family to get home to! And cleaning up is not a part of your job description." Fatima said. "Also I told you about calling me ma'am, just call me Fatima."

"Yes Ma- I mean Fatima," Darcie nodded. "I'll be back on the 26th."

"You'll be back on the 3rd! Enjoy your Holidays Darc," Fatima said "Oh" she walked over grabbing the box from under the tree. "and take these to the kids." She said, handing her the box of gifts.

"You didn't have to seriously," Darcie said as her eyes began to water. Fatima met Darcie at a homeless shelter when she was giving back to the community a couple months ago. She was there with her two children and Fatima couldn't stomach that. Her heart felt for her as a parent. She put her in an apartment and hired her on the team as her assistant. Darcie tends to try and overwork herself feeling like she owes Fatima something but Fatima makes sure to treat her as a regular person and employee and also a friend.

"Have a good Christmas," Fatima hugged her. "Put a smile on those kids' faces."

"Thank you so much," Darcie said as she wiped her tears. "Merry Christmas."

Once Darcie left, Fatima went into the other room to pick up the phone. "What is it Ricardo?"

"Hey um, I won't be able to make it tonight, something came up." Ricky nonchalantly expressed.

"Something more important than your son?" Fatima asked.

"Look, I'll get him on Christmas Eve," Ricky says with an attitude.

"You know what... Don't even bother!" Fatima hung up the phone.

"Was that daddy?" Amir asked standing in the doorway.

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