Chapter 19 - Warm enough welcome

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(So is our boy gonna get turned to pancakes?)

(Eh no)

(Wouldn't be much of a story then)

(Plot armor)



I've been holding in my questions, in my opinion, very well. I've been dying to ask about this "last of the shapeshifting blood" ever since it left Lunares' mouth.

However I find myself being carried through the massive tunnels by my crimson scaled friend. Who's mom insists we all have dinner. Or "feasting hour" as they called it. Felicia's father of which was not too happy. I have no clue what his past is with humans. Clearly we did something to plant a seed of hatred deep within his scales.

Felicia makes a right turn following her parents into a massive section of the cave. There's an opening in the ceiling where the smoke from a massive bonfire on the far side of the room filters through. A metal grill is wedged between the walls encasing the flame. I just manage to see mangled corpses of what I assume are deer. The sight disgusts me but I push the feeling back.

A massive circular slate of smoothed stone protrudes from the ground like an extra limb. I look at what's on it. 3 dragon sized plates are placed evenly apart. They seem to be made of marble. Marble?

"Felicia," I whisper in a tone I know only she could hear.

She just looks down to me in her talon.

I look back to the plates, "Where did your parents get marble from?"

She followed my gaze, "There is an old mine a good few miles north from here. It was abandoned for reasons we don't know. They left plenty of materials. I'm sure you'll notice a few more in this room alone," That I did.

Felicia lowered her paw onto the table and I walked off. She sat on her haunches behind me. Infitus, neat name, starts stabbing the cooked deer with dragon sized skewers. Making the largest kebab I've ever seen. I'll say these dragon's are a lot more modernized then I would have ever guessed. Likely got it from us.

One deer skewer is placed on each of the three bowls. The scent of added spices hits my nose.

And I can't help but ask, "Where'd you get the spices?"

"We have a garden full of herbs and such," Lunares answers, "Infitus here gathered them on his travels around the globe."

Felicia took a deer leg and ripped it off the deer. I'd find it disgusting if it wasn't cooked. Thank the Lord it is. Unfortunately for me I have next to nothing with me. No silverware, no plates, oh I lost my own spices too. I finally do a proper check on what I have.

I have my phone and earbuds, my wallet, and some napkins I was using as tissues when that bunker turned into a freezer. Well I have something to use at least.

With the napkins in hand I awkwardly attempt to bite the leg. My eyes widen the moment it touches my tongue. This is very well made. Mark me impressed.

"Like it huh?" Lunares asks.

I chuckle, "Oh you bet I do."

"As you should," I hear Infitus grumble.

Felicia sighs, "Shouldn't we get to know each other?" She starts.

Her mom perks up, "A wonderful idea," I barely see her tail poke Infitius somewhere on his back leg, "Why don't you go first?"

"I think we're starting off wrong here," Infitus looks to me, "I believe we should hear our daughter's story hmm."

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