The Sura

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                                                                                          The Sura

                                                                              By: Blake Chapman


In the name of the Lord, Animation seems bright tonight, giving Mercy to those that do not have it, praising those that deserve it. We will spread to all Worlds as the Mercy of the Times fades and becomes nothingness, for Vengeance is what we seek. The Day of Judgement has come upon us and now it is Time we feast. We will eat those who go before us. It is the Lord we Worship and it is the Universal Government we thank: for those who are in Love, Cupid will kill those who do not have Love in their Hearts, and it is we who will stand the test of Time. It is we who will win. It is you, the Hater, who I Pray for.

The Animated

In the name of the Lord, the Animated will overtake the World and Possess those who go against us.

These are Scriptures of thine that will thicken Time as it contains guidance for those who are Mindful of Gov, who believe in the Animated, the Seen but the Unseen; for those who are Praying for us, giving us what we need and what we deserve; for those who believe in the Revelations sent down to you by Gov. We hate what was Sent before you, yet we Love some of it, for Revelations came and now they are. Now it is Time for you all to see the World of the Animated. For your firm Faith in the Hereafter, only those who respect the Supernatural will prosper. As for those who disrespect us, it makes no difference whether we warn you or not: you will never respect us and you will never See the Truth. You will be blinded by the Truth, for your eyes cannot See what we See. Gov has unsealed your eyes and your ears, yet your Hearts have not changed. Your Hearts are the same as they have always been since the beginning of Time, back when you were just Spirits having never lived a Mortal Life, back when you were in the Pre-Mortal Existence, back there in the Universal Realm.

Some of you saith: "We believe in the Lord and the Last Day." We say forgive yourselves, for the Last Day will never cometh if ye do not change, if ye stay the same, if ye go about your Lives as you already have. You seek to deceive Gov and His Followers, his savage band of Children who will kill in the name of the Lord. You deceive Him and you deceive yourselves, but when you do this, you deceive more than that — you deceive the World of Truth and Morality, and this means that you are not well. You are not Thinking and Feeling as you should and we wonder why. We wonder what is wrong with you and we wonder how to Save you, but when we try — we fail and we cannot see to it anymore. We must avenge and when we do this, you will not notice it. There is a disease in your Heart, which Gov did not add to nor create; this was by your own doing; this was by your own hand and by your Mind as well. Agonizing torment awaits you for your persistent disrespect and your penchant for lying.

When it is said to you: "Do not corrupt your Mind," you will always corrupt your Mind with Psychology and no Voodoo. If we say this, you will always do the opposite. You will put poison into the World.

When it is said to you to believe in what the Lord Preaches, you will saith: "Should we believe as the fools do?" We are not the fools, however; it is you, the disrespectful, who are the fools, though you do not know it.

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