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✩          Sage is just beginning to grow into himself now, all gangly limbs and hesitant smiles. He is a spitting image of the Carlisle mother; pale blonde hair, golden green eyes, soft cheekbones. Nothing like the sharp edges of his older brother and his father, melded and built from the violence that exists in the inner corners and crevices of their minds. Their family was split into two, people often said. Half sunlight, half moonlight, but bright and burning nonetheless. 

Jude sits on his little brother's bed, smoothing his hair down as his lip trembles. Sage is brave to the outside eye, desperate to match the coldness of his older brother, but in the confines of their apartment, the mask slips and the fear shows on his still young face. 

"It will be alright," Jude whispers, his fingers tangling in the sweaty blonde locks sticking to Sage's forehead. "Remember? I promised that I wouldn't let anything happen to you." 

Sage raises to one elbow, broken fear shattering those green eyes into watery pieces. "What can you do now? You can't volunteer for me." 

His teeth grind together. "I won't let anything happen," he repeats, stronger this time. He will find a way. Things had always been this way; Jude, the harsher one, protective in the few things he cares about, and Sage, the softer one, not built for the Games in any way at all. Even growing up in District 2 could not train the innate gentleness about him. 

Sage's head falls back onto his feathery pillow. He stares out into the night, the wind scratching branches against the glass. Jude knows that he stares past the forest, past the Capitol, straight to the ruins of the former Games arena. Since the 10th, the location of the Games has been ever changing due to the influence of Coriolanus Snow shadowing the Head Gamemaker. Who knew what happen for the Unlucky 13th, as it was commonly referred among the Districts. 

"I hope you mean what you say, Jude." Sage's voice was soft with drowsiness, a soft sigh punctuating the words as they slipped out of his mouth. "Because the odds are not going to be in our favor after tonight." 

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