Innocence is the downfall

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James POV:

I was happy when Anaya didn't ask to come into the office again after her mishap. It was very fortunate that she had managed to get things settled with Martin so I could go to his hideout, but I hadn't expected her to kiss him.

She seemed so innocent, yet she seemed to have a past with my best friend and had no problem kissing literal strangers. I liked her, but I distanced myself from her, worrying that she would cheat on me just like my ex did. It was impossible to fall in love when I kept my guard up so I wouldn't get hurt.

I was busy anyway dealing with Martin, something that had consumed most of my days for years now. I was so close, finally. Getting him at my table was something that very few people had ever accomplished. His social circle was incredibly tight. I took my company from a small family-style company to the massive corporation it is today just to get the status I needed to invite him.

You can't just invite Martin and ask about his private home, though. You needed an unspoken sign for him to understand you are trustworthy and have goals similar to his. In my case, I needed a wife, an unmistakably young one at that. Someone beautiful enough he would obsess and fantasize over her.

"I found the location he sent the invite for, but it's in the middle of nowhere. I did see a house or any record of one built, though." Susan said, interrupting my thoughts to throw down a file she had printed off detailing the address I was set to meet him.

"He's never been charged with a crime, James, but there are rumors," Susan said, sitting down, looking quite less chipper and paler than usual.

"What sort of rumors?" I asked. She bit her lip, nervous to say.

"People going there and never coming back. Young girls specifically. It's technically in the U.S., but it's nowhere near any sort of law enforcement. It's hundreds of acres of privacy and isolation with one heavily guarded road going in or out. One bad move, and you're done. I really think this is a bad idea." Susan said urgently, her worry clear.

The only thing I was worried about was Anaya. She was short and flimsy, but I had to bring her as the bait. It was a horrible choice to make, and I felt guilty using her, but I needed to do this. I was so close to bringing him down that I could almost taste it.

"I will be fine. Confirm the date and time and send me the information." I said firmly. She sighed, shaking her head.

"James, please. Don't do this. If you want to bring me, at least I know how to use a gun if things go wrong. Anaya will be a sitting duck." She insisted for the millionth time since I married her.

"Sorry, you're not young or innocent enough for Martin to be interested in," I said truthfully. She came around the desk, sitting on the side closer to me, her features full of worry and love for me.

"I get you want to be the hero, James, but sometimes it's okay to be normal, too."

"You think all of this is because I want to play hero?" I asked, shocked and a bit confused why she thought I was shallow.

"Well, what else is it about?" She asked a bit judgmentally. I scoffed but wasn't about to explain it to the likes of her.

"Look. You are not going. End of story. I am taking Anaya, and I will protect her with my life. You don't have to worry about anything." I told her, trying to dismiss the conversation, pulling my laptop closer to get work done.

"Okay, so you get in the building, you find whatever illegal activity you suspect is happening. Then what, James? You go to the police? He is powerful, and the most that will happen is a slap on the wrist!" She insisted on not getting the hint.

I looked her over, annoyed, but even my worst glare wouldn't convince the annoying woman to back off. I pulled a small camera out of my desk and put it in front of her.

"I am ABSOLUTELY sure he will check you for cameras and wires." She said, horrified. I sighed, shaking my head.

"This isn't a normal camera. The technology it's based on hasn't been released yet, so it's impossible to pick up using normal detection techniques. I made it myself and eventually will contract it to the government for their special ops to use, but before then, I'm going to test it out myself." I explained, turning the tiny camera that was no thicker than a pencil over in my hand, proud of the accomplishment.

"A 1080p continuous data stream uploads to a cloud server that's entirely protected with only one VPN tunnel to this device. I know you think I'm reckless and a fool, but I'll be honest: I'm always the smartest one in the room. I just can't let everyone know that." I told her, loving her shocked expression and the fact that it had taken nearly twenty seconds for her jaw to smack back up since it had dropped in surprise.

"You think you love me, but you don't know me, Susan. You just know what I show people who I don't want close to me." I explained softly and without regret for my cold words. She was like a rabid dog and was relentless in her pursuit of me.

"I see. Well, in that case, I will make the needed plans." She said, nodding, still a bit stunned, and finally, at last, left me alone.

All she needed to do was set the day and time. It wasn't rocket science, and yet she was so dramatic about it.

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