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"enjoy your meal princess"

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"enjoy your meal princess"

yerim's pov.

i woke up the next morning with a horrific headache and about 7382749192 messages from people as i groaned - grabbing my phone from the beside table as i threw myself back into my covers.

thankfully i had actually made it to bed, as the messages i had read earlier in the morning when i had woken up to throw up sounded like i had locked myself in the bathroom for the rest of the evening and didn't come back out so my friends just left. how embarrassing and silly of me IJBOL!

however before i could open my phone again, light seeped into my room as the door cracked open ajar. i hissed like a vampire who had just been exposed to the sun as i whined.

"what do you want?" i complained from my den of covers as my voice sounded hoarse and croaky. the girl at the door only chuckled in response as she walked into my room and began to open all the curtains - making me hiss even more at the light and shove my head into the duvet to hide.

"morning sunshine, you look great!" my way-too-happy-in-the-morning roommate xiaoting sang as she gleefully skipped around my room, opening as many curtains and windows as possible before she pulled the cover from off my face

"let's see that gorgeous hungover face then shall we?" i whined as i tried to cover my face with my hands, but the girl was already a step ahead of me as she pinned my wrists next to my head - blocking me in. if this was any other person i would be sweating at the tension but this was xiaoting.

she hovered over me as she smiled menacingly, "so, wanna talk about it!" she told me rather than asked as she still held me down - essentially trapping me until i was forced to fess up. i squirmed under her arms as she just giggled maniacally

"god, yes i'll tell you what happened if you GET OFF ME." i complained as the girl reluctantly let me up, making me sit against the headboard of my bed as i took one long sigh.

"in all honesty, i don't remember what happened" xiaoting just blanked me like that one 😐 emoji as she began to shout at me again.

"I KNOW YOU DONT REMEMBER BUT I DO." she jokingly shouted at me as i just laughed at her. "what do you mean YOU remember you weren't even there.."

"ningning came in and told me everything because shes my sister from another mister." i burst out laughing at the last part as xiaoting playfully slapped me on the wrist (read: attempted to murder me in cold blood)

"that fucking HAG i will deal with her later. so what do you know." i intwined my fingers together as i placed my hands into my lap, like an elaborate businessman giving a proposal to a partner.

"well, you cried about hating men - usual yerim the bisexual man hater behaviour - then you said about your fight with gunwook and then they told you that you were in the wrong. ps. you WERE. then you said you were going to go and 'be very sorry', locked yourself in the bathroom and then didnt come out until i went in and found you passed out on the toilet and dragged you back to bed."

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