☀️Horangi☀️-Late night cuddles

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First oneshot! Decided to do Horangi bc why not



⭐️Established relationship

TW: None (YAYYY)

Horangi couldn't go to sleep, So he decided to visit his favorite person in base ❤️

It was a quiet night in KorTac. Besides for a distant snore, Or a creak of the bed, Y/N was having a good sleep. Sleep- They hadn't seen it in a while, And welcomed it with open arms.

Then of course, The silence of the peaceful night was broken. Y/N was no light sleeper, And stayed asleep. They didn't hear the floor creak as someone approached the outside of their door- They didn't hear the door softly creak open. The door closing again, The sound of soft footsteps shuffling over to them.

What they did feel was a soft presence beside them, Sliding under the covers with them. Again. It was the fourth time this week this had happened. Y/N opened their eyes and squinted over at the person beside them. As expected, They were met with the sight as a disgruntled, Tired Horangi.

"Horangi?" Y/N murmured the words softly, Like how one would handle a prized family heirloom.

"작이야 (Honey/love)...Just stay like this.." Was the only response they got from the lovely mess laying next to her. Y/N shuffled around so that they faced Horangi, And wrapped their arms around him loosely.

"Bad dreams?" Y/N questioned, Still groggy.

"Mhm." Horangi was too tired to muster any other words as Y/N brought him closer to them, Peppering him with kisses wherever their lips would reach, Rubbing soft circles onto his back until his breathing evened out.

By the next morning, When Horangi opened his eyes, It was 8. Lucky for the two of them, They were both off-duty today. Horangi nestled back into Y/N, As Y/N slowly woke up from their peaceful sleep.

"G'morning, love." Y/N mumbled, Voice full of affection as their hands gently played around with Horangi's jet black hair. A rare sight to see in general.

"G'morning.." Was the only muffled response they got.

Our lovely sleeping beauty did not get up until noon.

Okay, Not the best, BUT ITS OK-

Word count: 387

This just came out off my ass so.. Here, Take it 🤷

Love for Horangi ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2023 ⏰

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