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For the second time in my life, I was being ripped away from home. The forest had just began to feel more and more familiar. The way the breeze blew as I jumped through trees. The way that every plant and animal added to the beauty. The way children smiled and laughed as they played with one another. The way everyone came together for meals like we were all family. It had all become home to me.

I felt sadness fill me as I looked at the Sully's Ikran's that held all their belongings. I held my sister's hand tightly. The journey we would take is unknown. But it was different this time, we weren't alone anymore.

I watched as Jake's title was removed from him. A symbolic death allowing for a new Na'vi to take the name of the Olo'eyktan. Neytiri was heartbroken with tears running down her face. Jake was hurting with the thought that he was tearing his family away from their home. Kiri held the shaw that covered her shoulders tightly as her eyes did not leave the ground.

"You and Läi have to ride separately. Your sister can go with Kiri, and you can ride with either of the boys."

Jake's words pulled me out of my thoughts as we headed towards the Ikran. I nodded to him without words. I had not flown before on one of the Ikran. It was slightly nerve wracking to let my sister go.

"Come with me..."

I looked over to the boy that held my arm to gain my attention. Neteyam had taken the charge of making the decision of who I would join for me, and I was thankful for that. Choosing one of the two was the last thought on my mind.

"Be good sister. Ride with Kiri."

She did not speak either. Only held the hand of the older girl who nodded to me as a sign of comfort. I turned back to the older boy as he mounted his spirit sister. He reached his hand out to me, and with a little hesitation I took it. I was placed in front of Neteyam. His hands rested on my waist keeping me stable.

"Loran can feel your stress... Do not panic in the air. I promise I'll keep you safe."

I looked over my shoulder meeting the eyes of the boy. His voice was calming and his expression genuine.


I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I could feel us being lifted in the air. I didn't dare open my eyes until I felt us coasting comfortably. As I looked down I could feel my stomach drop.

"Do not look down Santanhí... Look around you."

I listened to the words of the boy behind me. As my eyes scanned our surroundings I felt a surge of joy. It was beautiful. I could see any and everything around me. I could feel the wind through my veins and the sun on my skin.

"It's... Its beautiful."

I looked back at Neteyam who had his eyes looking back at his home we were leaving behind. In the distance I could see the mountains me and my sister once lived in. We had left everything behind. But with that sadness came safety, we would no longer have to worry about the sky people.

I placed my hand on Neteyam's arm that had rested over my hips in attempt to comfort him.

"It will be okay... Your home will always be there for you to return to. Look forward to the future and the adventures you will have."

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