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Nearl: "Who is that?"Ace: "Oh that's Sky is our new member

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Nearl: "Who is that?"
Ace: "Oh that's Sky is our new member. He helped us during the ambush in the park and he was quite brave when he tried to protect the injured people."

Nearl: "So did Dr.kal'tsit knew yet?"

Amiya: "Please rest assured that Nearl-san is a good person who protected a mother and daughter. Besides, he risked his life to protect me and Dokutah along with the injured people"
Nearl: "I understand now, i will trust you Amiya"

Amiya: "Thank Nearl" 


Doerman: "We're almost out of the city. Just bear with it a little longer"

While they were talking Sky stood against the wall, took out a bandage and wrapped it around the cut area on his injured right arm and finally pulled the bandage to tighten it.

Sky: "ah.... it's quite painful" wrapped it up and put it back in my backpack. Take off the gas mask and breathe in the air revealed that he has midnight: blue eyes, short black hair, and white skin

Sky inhale and exhale: "Aaaa it better now"Rummaging through his backpack took out small boxes of bullets, opened them, and took out empty magazines from the front pocket of his bulletproof vestinsert from the tablet *tik tik tik*

Sky: "ok one magazine is full now" get another empty magazine. While loading the bullets, don't forget to remember the details in the game and what will happen next

Sky thought: *damn I know Ace will die but I can't remember who died by anyone in the game* Sky raised his eyes and looked around: "quite lonely here" but quickly went back to searching for things in the backpack

Sky: "oh there are a few cans of cocacola in here" took one and opened it making a *stik* sound and drank it glanced next to medic who was looking at him

Sky: "Want some?" 

Medic: "oh, no thankyou" she turned her head to look away

Sky: "ok" *sip* put the coke can on the floor

Sky's mind: "Looks like Nearl, she doesn't mind a stranger in here" glanced at Nearl put the gas mask back on

Sky's mind: "Looks like Nearl, she doesn't mind a stranger in here" glanced at Nearl put the gas mask back on

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