Chapter 1 - New Band Member

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This car ride could not feel any longer. Well, it's better than being on a bus. Thank god for my truck. It's not miserable, not at all. With these gorgeous views, my window down and the wind flowing through my hair. It's probably getting tangled, but oh well. I'm living a carefree life now. The point is, I am very excited to arrive in Pelican Town.

Speaking of Pelican Town, a huge green sign on the side of the road came into view. I squinted my eyes to try and read what it said. When I got close enough, my body filled with excitement at what it said. 

STARDEW VALLEY --> 0.5 mi.

Quickly after I passed that sign, the road came to a stop. The greenery was extremely lush and the air is refreshingly crisp. I could definitely get used to this in comparison to the gross haze of the city.  I spotted a kind looking lady with ginger hair standing on the side of the road, so I roll my window down.

"Hello! You must be [Name]! My name is Robin, I am the local carpenter. It's nice to meet you!"

I smiled at her, glad to have someone to guide me on my first day here.

"Hi! Yes, that's me. Is there anywhere that I could park my truck?" I asked her. 

"Oh yeah, you can just park it at the end of the road right there, not many people pass through since it's a dead end, so it won't bother anyone there," Robin kindly informed me.

I nodded and rolled my window up as I slowly drove towards the end of the road. I parked my car in a way that I thought would be the least inconvenient if anyone did happen to pass through. I got out of my truck and walked towards Robin and shook her hand.

"Let me lead you to the farm, I'm sure you remember where it is, but I'm here just in case," she said as she walked towards my new home.

Waves of nostalgia passed through me as I remember spending weekends here as a child. I remember the beauty of the nature, although I don't quite remember the farmhouse being this deteriorated. 

"Mayor Lewis should be inside of your farmhouse as we speak, preparing it for you," she informed me with a smile. I nodded.

I turned around and took a good look at the huge amount of land and gasped at the state of it. It was very overgrown, which makes sense because of how long grandpa has been.. unable to tend to it. This is going to be hard work.

Reading my mind, Robin chuckles and says, "I know it's a little worn down, but I am sure that you will be able to fix it up in no time. You'll just have to put a lot of effort into it, that's all."

I jump a little when I hear the squeaky door of my new home open. An old man in overalls comes out who I assume is probably the mayor.

"[Name]! You've grown so much since I have last saw you! Welcome to Ivy Farm. It may not be in the best state right now, but knowing your grandfather, you will return it to it's glory. It's in your blood," Mayor Lewis tells me.

"I'm glad you have so much hope in me, Lewis. Thank you so much for helping me with this move, I really needed to get out of the city," I explain. He nods.

"I completely understand, city life can be pretty taxing. But you've come to the right place, you will definitely find peace here. You have had a long day, you should get some rest," he says.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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