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It was early in the morning and I was sitting in the warehouse with everyone else. I am in Ditches gang, I guess you could say I'm his right hand? I don't know either way I'm just there. I was drinking (something that I put shots in) when Ditch came in. "Y/N! I need you for something!" He yelled "coming" I sighed as I walked towards him. "alright I need you to do some recon on Vinnie" he said "Vinnie? The rival gang leader?" I asked "yes that's the one" he smirked "I haven't even finished my alcohol" I said as I held my shot filled drink. "That's not alcohol" Ditch pointed out. "I put shots in it dipshit how else do you think I've put up with your bullshit" I said raising my voice slightly. "Whatever just go out there or I'll kill you" he said "like you would do shit to me. Fine. I'll go, but she's not into you" I said as I began to leave.

I walked around the market place trying to find Vinnie. After half an hour of looking I gave up and decided to go Into a bar. And there they were. Playing a card game with two other men. "How the hell did I loose to a bunch of street rats!?!" One yelled "they must be cheating!" The other yelled "that or you're just bad at the game?" I asked as I stepped forward leaning on the table. "The random girl is right, besides do we look like cheaters to you?" She asked. Then the one who I assumed was Stone slammed his head on the table and cards fell out of Vinnie's pockets and Skipp coughed one up. The two men loaded their guns. "I think that's our cue" I whispered.

Shots zipped past us as we ran out the door, "what was you're name again?" Vinnie asked as we ran "I thought you'd remember me, Y/N" I smiled "Ditches Y/N???" Vinnie asked "sadly" I replied. "Normally I wouldn't talk to the enemy but now we just gotta get out alive" Vinnie replied as more shots zipped past us! Then I saw Stone staring at Vinnie. "What?" She asked "I'm planning the next scheme" Stone replied "hey if you wanna survive on these streets you've gotta be a little chaotic" Vinnie smirked as she stole an apple from a market stall. "You guys! Over there!" Skipp yelled as he pointed to a small kart. "See? Be more like Skipp" Vinnie shrugged as we all got into the kart. "I'm gonna throw up." Stone Mumbled. We drove down a dark alleyway and drive past a guy threatening someone with the knife, I then took the knife on the way down. What! It could be important. "Hey that's where we live!" Vinnie smiled. We then landed in a washing line and got catapultef up! "Oh my God we're like Aladdin!" Vinnie yelled in excitement. Stone just sighed as he lit a cigarette. We fell back Into the kart again! "This is why I drink." Stone Mumbled. Suddenly the kart was thrashed sideways thanks to us dodging bullets and I landed on stone! "Oh shit sorry!" I replied as I got off him. "Oh come on!" Vinnie yelled at the two phycos behind us. "We're gonna get you punks!" One yelled. "okay new plan I'm just gonna punch the bullets" Vinnie said "yeah because that's a smart plan" I said as I folded my arms. "I have all I have is this gun" Skipp said as he then threw the gun away. "I mean I have a knife but-" "hey." We all looked at Stone. He was holding a flaming bottle of his alcohol. "This is why I drink." He said. I won't lie when I say I felt my face go a little warm. "Not bad" Vinnie smirked as he threw the bottle. And it landed nowhere near them. "Idiots" the guy smirked. Suddenly for no reason their car just exploded! "Are we going to question that-" "idiots!" Vinnie yelled at the explosion. Then Skipp engolfed me and Stone in a hug "Stone you did it! And my new friend didn't get hurt! Way to go best friends in the world!" Skipp smiled as I was being suffocated but Stone was trying to get out of his grip. Then I saw we were about to fall off a cliff.

Once we landed I helped the others up. "Y'know Y/N. You're pretty cool, for a Ditch gang member" Vinnie smirked. "Thanks and you're not so bad yourself" I replied. "Aww! My new friend and my family are getting along!" Skipp smiled. I smiled at Skipp slightly and then looked back at Vinnie. "Want me to give Ditch a message of any sort?" I asked, "oh yeah here"

Time skip

I walked back in and ditch walked over "sooo how'd it go?" He asked "pretty well, she wanted me to give you a message actually" I said half smiling. "Okay then what was it?" He asked. Then I clenched my fists and punched him in the face. "Y/N! What the hell!" He yelled "that was the message" I shrugged as I sat back down and lit a cigarette. But something was off. I couldn't quite place what that feeling was. The one when I saw Stone holding that flaming bottle of alcohol. I'm sure it's fine.

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