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James Potter and Lilly Potter known as 'Potters' were the most powerfull wizard and witch ever known in hogwarts...the school for wizards and witches....and there kids too are great wizards and witches...

Unfortunatly they both died to a reason which is not known..but some people who were with them at the time may know how......

Every houses in hogwarts believe that one person of the Slytherin house is the one who did it..the prefect of slytherin house...


3 young kids who live with their aunt and uncle and their nephew....who treated them like they are useless..the family has never believed in magic or anything while the 3 young kids thought it was real...

They didn't knew who their parents are or what happened to their parents or who they really are unil one night....

The night when their world took a wild turn...

The night they understood why they were able to do things that other kids they see cannot...

The night they understood....

Why they had a scar....

And they went to a place were they truly belong.....


And after that they met alot of great people who helped the three new kids there.....

And also people who didn't like their presence.....

And one day there was another wild turn which happened in their lives....

What was that??????

And what is all these Secret's people are hiding from them????

And why they had similar things between their friends and

enemies of them...

And had the same scar????

I'll have to be honest I'm not really good at writting proluges this probably gave a way a lot i think

And this full story is most probably gonna be 3rd person POV....


This story will have the real harry potter characters too just to spice things up...

1st chapter will be posted on January 1st 2024....

Soo stay tuned...

and BYEE!!!!


Potter siblings and the sorcerer's stone Where stories live. Discover now