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Aria's Pov:

    "Apparently Pretty hard!" I shouted as I wandered the hallways of ever after . Clearly this school was way bigger than I anticipated

    I started walking again and , started talking to myself "I could've just took Rosabella's offer and been at Baba- Yaga's office by now. But neooo I wanted to be 'Ms.Independentknowitall" I groan to myself shutting my eyes before bumping into someone.

    Before I even get the chance to react I fall backwards before a sturdy hand wrapped around my waist and the other on my hand , I opened my eyes to see a boy. 'Wow. He's actually really cute.' I thought to myself before I caught myself staring "Oh- Um- I'm sorry I ran into you. I wasn't paying attention." I jumped out of his grip and dusted myself off

   "Don't worry, I wasn't looking either." He apologized before his eyebrows furrowed and he started looking up and down my body "Hey, are you that new girl everyone's been talking about." He slightly pointed at me

    I widened my eyes in shock 'People are talking about me already? I haven't even done anything yet!' "Uh, I'm assuming so." Is all I manage to respond

    "Oh! I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Beastly Beauty, son of Beauty and The Beast." I widened my eyes at his introduction "I didn't know Rosabella had a brother." I muttered "Twin, actually. I'm older by Twenty hole minutes." Beastly bragged popping his collar

     "Cute," I giggled "I'm Aria Voodoo , daughter of the voodoo man." I took a small curtesy with a smile "So where you headed?" He asked as we started walking

   "Well I was , trying to find Baba-Yaga's office. But I've had no luck, clearly." I sighed embarrassed, I notice he looks down at me and I can visibly see the light ball go off in his head "I can take you, if you want?" He said scratching the back of his neck.

     "That would be greatly appreciated. Thank you." I smiled up at him "Ah don't roary about it, Nothing much to do since Legacy day." He explained

    "That means signing that book thing , yea? Is like a necessity to sign?" I asked shyly "It's expected to follow your destiny, but uh, follow your heart . Do what you want." He explained with a sly smile ,

    "Hmm, do what I want..."

    "Thanks-A-Billion for bringing me here, I would've been walking around for ever." I said appreciatively "You say thank you a lot, don't worry about it. Can I see your schedule?" Beastly asks me and I handed it to him

1.) Science & Sorcery ~ Professor Rumpelstiltskin
2.)Spells, Hexes and General Witchery ~ Madam Baba Yaga
3.) Crownculus ~ Mrs. Her Majesty, the White Queen
4.) Cooking Class-ic ~ Professor Momma Bear
5,)Grimmnastics ~ Coach Gingerbreadman
6.)Hexonomics ~ Professor Rumpelstiltskin
7.)Geografairy ~ Mr. Jack B. Nimble
8.)Debate ~ Mrs. Her Majesty, the White Queen

    "Well would you look at that." Beastly spoke eyeing my schedule "What? What's wrong?" I asked worriedly "We have every class together , but spells, hexes, and general witchery." He said with a wide smile "Wow, now you can carry my stuff and lead me to class. This really is a page ripper." I teased pointing at his chest .

    "I wouldn't mind, I'm overly strong." He bragged again making me roll my eyes with a laugh

   Finally, it was lunch time. I enter the castleteria and look around for a place to sit when I spot Raven sitting all by herself "Raven!" I called out walking over to her , "Aria!" She called back and scooted over giving me room to sit "Why are you all by yourself?" I asked as I took a seat next to her

    Raven slugged her shoulders as she put a hand under her chin , playing with her food "Daughter of the Evil Queen, remember? People are scared of me." Raven groaned , I nudge her shoulder with mines "I'm not afraid of you, and I never will be." I assure her and a small smile pulls at the corner of her mouth

    I go to take a bite of my food before glancing at it pulling back slightly , I turn to Raven "Is it always this bad?" I raise a brow at my food , "Pretty much." Raven sighed and I groan and push the tray back. Using my magic to make a bowl of fruit and a fork appear.

    Mid conversation a guy with glasses approaches the table "Hey Raven! You look gort, I mean great! I don't even know what gort is..." He muttered in the end.

    "Hey Dexter , I'd offer you a sit but I'm evil." Raven's answer made shoot her a glare "We're not evil, we're nice with...unique parents." I nudge her with a smile and she giggles lightly

    "H-How's it g-going?" He stuttered, looking intently at her eyes. I raised a brow at the two of them before smirking. 'Someone's got a crush...' I thought in my little sing song voice

     "Nothing much. Aria and I are just talking about our classes." Raven answered completely oblivious at the boy's love sick glare.

    "Anyways, to sit here, you have to be pretty-" Raven's sentence was cut off by some screams.
We looked over and saw Apple White and Daring Charming, Dexter's brother. "- daring." Raven continued. "Oh , gag." I grumbled

     "What? No Raven, I'm Dex, Dexter Charming. Daring's my brother. Oh gord." Dexter huffed as Apple and Daring went towards us.

    "Raven, Aria!" Apple greeted. Dexter and I stood beside Raven. "How do you know my name?" I questioned Apple "Oh! I have to, see I know everyone, it's just what I do!" Apple said in chipper tone and I just nodded slowly in response "Apple White. Hey Daring." Raven said, waving to the other Charming. "I have to warn you, don't stare at the teeth. Just got them whitened." Daring told her and flashed a smile to the opposite way.

    'My magic , this guy is annoying.' I think to myself with an eye roll at Darings antics, when I feel a hand touch my shoulder . I whip my head to the side to see Beastly "Hi." I stare at him "Hey." He smiled back

"Hey , Aria!" I hear Apple's high pitched voice pull me out of my daze "Yes?" I hum "Are you a royal or a rebel. I personally think you're a rebel because - duh! Your father's the voodoo man." Apple rambled on and I felt a twitch in my neck "I'm a rebel." I answered blandly

"Oh that's hexcellent! Tiara will be over the castle that you're signing!" Apple grinned "Debatable." I shrug with my books in my hand "It's tradition." Apple points out

I peek my brow up "Yeah well, my dad told me to do what I want, not what you want." I retort fairly hostile, which wasn't the plan - at all. "Well, remember, you still have to sign the Storybook of Legends." Apple adds to my statement and my shoulders droop

Apple was about to continue noticing my demeanor, when the bell rang, indicating it was time to leave "See you at practice!" She called out as she swayed away with Daring

"How did I forget about that?" I turn to Raven, Dexter, and Beastly with an annoyed expression. "Maybe because it doesn't matter." Beastly crossed his arms and I raised a brow "Continue." I persuade "It doesn't matter. Nothing bad happens when you don't sign, I think. What really matters is what you want to do, how you live your fairytale" Beastly smiled down at me and I looked up at him with adoring eyes

     "We should get going, headmaster Grimm is gonna flip his crown if anyone's late." Raven smirked at me and I nodded, "Your right."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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