Q&A time!

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So here comes the Q&A time! I hope both of us will enjoy it so here we go.  

Question 1: What was your motivation  behind creating the novel? 

--> There are two reasons:

1. It is connected with my studies and the fact that this year I was writing and defending my thesis on 17th-century plague and its psychological impact. Having some background information about these times I've decided to start writing my own story.

2. In general I'm interested in plague doctors and the historical records of their work which is why I was searching for some good-quality novels featuring them. However, to my surprise, there were no interesting works so I've decided to create such story. A story which would be as precise as I was able to make. For this particular reason sometimes I have to make a research to be as accurate as possible. 

Question 2: What was your favorite scene or chapter to write, and why?

--> In general, I love writing scenes with Rosalynn and Doctor when they are alone <3 I mean, I really enjoy shaping their intimate relationship. For that reason, my fav chapters are: Chapter 4, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, and Chapter 18. Also Chapters 13 and 14 have a special place in my heart, I am really proud of Castleton arc and how it developed :)

Question 3: What was your least favourite scene or chapter?

--> Recently it's describing Edinburgh and it's not like I don't like the city. It's just very hard to imagine these times and these people there (keep in mind I'm Polish who doesn't travel abroad a lot). Also I was writing my thesis on Eyam which is a small English village so I have to make more research when it comes to Edinburgh. But it is fine :)

Question 4 : Are there any deleted scenes or storylines that didn't make it into this book ?

--> There WAS, however, I somehow managed to bundle it into one of the chapters. It was the scene where Doctor opens up for Rosalynn and tells her about his childhood a bit. Originally, I planned to put it in the very first chapters but I thought it would be too early for that so I've saved the fragment and then placed it in a more suitable chapter for that (Look Chapter 9) ;)
Besides there are no 'leftovers', I'm writing everything on the fly. 

Question 5: Are there any plans of publishing the novel?

--> Actually yes! It is my dream to publish this work and create a very cute book cover! But first things first, I'm not quite sure how long the book/story will be, so for now publishing is only a dream.

Question 6: How long will the story be? 

--> As mentioned above, I don't know. However, I'm thinking of writing at least 2 more arcs which would take place in different locations (I won't tell you where, yet), and then I will end this volume. 

Yes, you heard/read correctly, a volume. I haven't added it yet, but the subheading of this particular story would be "The Lavender Book". I really want to write 2 more volumes ("The Rose Book" and "The Forget-me-not Book") which would be about different characters but still connected to the previous book. And it would be also about Plague Doctors :)

Question 7: Will there be more Q&As in the future?

--> Only if there will be questions to answer ;) You can leave your questions even under the chapters, I will answer them in the next Q&A.

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