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There is not much to say about a story whose ending is yet to be defined. I don't know about it, but neither our protagonists, with all their abilities, are all that sure of it. But I'll try regardless because it's a story, albeit obscure, very much worth telling. The details are blurry and sometimes confused so forgive me if some parts start making sense only later on, but much time has passed since the events took place, therefore recalling takes dedication and can be sometimes almost impossible. I won't specify my role in the narration, obviously, I can only say that I was sort of outside it but for some laughable game of fate I was able to come to know about everything regarding this particular story, so I might just go for it: maybe it can be of help to someone. From this moment on I'll leave you to the trustworthy pages of a story I've guarded for a very long time in the deep and dark cracks of my soul, and to the less trustworthy flow of my memory as I live again every instant of a story that defies time in many more ways than through you'd expect, for time is and will always be a relative and conventional fantasy of our human minds. And oh does this story know it. Hope it can be of help and that the treacherous process I've put myself through to recall all details and sensations won't go in vain. And if I slip up, please be patient and remember that I'm just a sinner. Until then, farewell 

Tibi ad temporum finem, iterum semper

-She who dreams

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