1: Making Small Plans

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There are two types of couples: those who stay together for their title and those who genuinely love each other. You see, Percy and I are like the second: we are in love.

I'll admit, that wasn't easy. And I'll also say "love at first sight" isn't quite true either. When we first met, we weren't hormonal teenagers or anything. We were 12 year olds, pressured to fulfill a destiny (although that was Percy who needed to achieve what the prophecy said, we all know it was mostly me that did the work. But for his sake, let us just applaud and say it was all him).

Our relationship isn't quite like any other. I know a lot of people say this, but our explanation is legitimate. And I'll prove it to you, by telling you this story. This won't be about what you already know, I'm sure our relationship has spread like a wildfire in the demigod community, but this will explain what happened after the bloodshed of Mount Olympus.

I don't know who will read this, but hopefully someone in the future can find out more about us, The Great Annabeth and Perseus Jackson. I hope you enjoy, it takes a while to put memory to paper, but it's worth it. You'll see.


My head laid on Percy's shoulder and we were staring up at the night sky. Stars looked like silver against obsidian; a beautiful sight. Zoe, from Artemis' hunting pack, was up as well, twinkling with all of the other night stars that were privileged to be up that night.

I cuddled up to Percy's side under our blanket. Heat radiated from three sources: the bottom blanket, top, and Percy's arms. I preferred his warmth, and he knew that, so he held me tight to his chest. Soon, though, the stars became of no interest to me, so I put my back against his chest and looked down upon all of Camp Half Blood.

We were on the peak of the strawberry fields, so we could see in every direction. Percy's favorite lake was north from us, the camp was west, the woods were east, and more strawberries and woods were south.

I closed my eyes and thought about what Percy said earlier. "I think we should," I said to the grass.

"Hmm?" Percy mumbled. Earlier that day, he and I were deliberating over our choices now that we were 18. We could stay and continue to train newcomers or move out of the camp to wherever we wanted.

"I think we should move out. And not to Camp Jupiter, but to a more... normal place," I said. I also added, mentally, that we should raise our children and send them to camp as a summer thing. He didn't have to know that, I knew I wasn't a "wing-it" type, but children was just too planned.

"Really?" Percy asked, his heartbeat speed up against my back. He slid his hands up my shirt and around my stomach, making my chest beat equally as fast. "That would be awesome!" He muffled through my t-shirt. He kissed my back, which left some tingles in the area. I turned around to face him and was about to lay my head on his chest when his lips caught mine.

I know he didn't eat any sea-salt chips, but his lips always tasted like the ocean. Not the strong and gag-worthy salt taste, but the sweet kind. The kind that made you want to kiss those lips for no reason at all besides the pleasure of its feeling on your own lips.

I slid my hands up his shirt and felt all of his relaxed muscles quickly start to work. I felt them stiffen and support me up to sit on his lap. I felt them help him sit up. Something about being able to feel his most demanded muscles made me feel like he trusted me more. Or maybe reassured my feelings for him were being returned.

I let go of his lips. "Seaweed brain," I whispered. "We should probably wait 'till we get our own place. You know, more privacy."

He nodded his head. "I can't wait." We sat up and picked up all of picnic supplies. We walked down the hill and into the camp, just two minutes before our curfew of 12:00 PM. Hand- in- hand, we walked into his cabin like I was supposed to be there.

It was pitch black so we wouldn't attract attention, but I could still navigate my way around his room. I took off all of my day clothes, until I was only in my underwear, and got out the pajama's I kept there and slid them on, not caring that he was watching my every move (he couldn't really see my bare chest). I got into his bed and stared at him, this time, as he slid off his shirt.

He walked up to the twin sized bed and got under the covers with me. We were completely pushed up against each other, not that I minded, but during the night it usually got pretty hot. That was why I was wearing just a tank top and shorts as pajamas: light weight and easy to put on and take off.

It was 2 AM when I woke up, all sweaty and hot from Percy being next to me. I was glad his back was against mine, so that I didn't have his arms wrapped around me, but what was done was done. I was a sweaty mess. Ew!

I debated whether to take off the tank top or not. I decided I had to take it off, I could trust Percy not to freak out. I got out of his bed and peeled the tank off of my body and laid it out to dry on an empty towel holder. Now my chest was completely uncovered.

When I got back Percy was whispering my name. My cheeks turned red, but then I realized he couldn't see me.

"Annabeth, where are you?" Percy asked in a hushed tone.

"I'm here," I slid into the bed, my back against his chest. Much better.

"Much better," Percy mumbled into my hair as I silently laughed to myself at the similarity. His arms slid around my body, and I silently prayed he wouldn't freak out, but it didn't seem like he noticed. I fell asleep feeling much better and hoping that tomorrow would just go by as an ordinary day. Or as ordinary as moving out of a home you've lived in for practically 18 years.

It's kind of surprising how wrong I was, being a child of Athena...

Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase: Parental Approval [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now