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With half lidded eyes that obviously indicated he was still sleeping he said "Layla" and pulled you in for a kiss

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With half lidded eyes that obviously indicated he was still sleeping he said "Layla" and pulled you in for a kiss.

You kicked him earning a grunt "Who the hell do you think I am!"

Running into your room trying to forget karma was officially woken up from that kick to the gut "ow" he muttered

'Oh no. Wait he thought I was someone else. That's right it was a mistake there's nothing to worry about'
Then you remembered what his soft lips felt like 'it totally worries me' you leaned against the door it opened causing you to fall back

"Because you kicked me, my stomach turned red" he lifted his shirt a little to reveal his slightly red abs

Immediately you smacked him with the pillow yelling at him to get out and slamming the door at him "hey what's the problem?" Karma asked behind the door

He by now knows you're kinda weird but this was new

"You're the one who did it" "did what?"

You paused and slightly opened the door to a confused karma "you don't remember?" "Remember what? If my alarms going off wake me up normally"

"What do you mean?" "I mean wake me up gently. Don't kick."

What was he expecting? You to crawl into his bed giving kisses all over? Because that's what you were imagining. "I gotta get dressed" you closed the door and got ready

Later karma was eating some bread with jam in the kitchen while you came out in uniform trying to be hidden.

Awkwardly tripping next to the table heater he walked over. "Hey" "yes?"

"Don't tell me after all this time you're concerned about living with a boy?" Wow his ego is high. Too bad you're feeding it by getting shy and nodding "are you fantasizing about me making a move on you?"

"Well that's pushing it a little" you muttered still on the ground "don't worry. I have absolutely no interest in you. Put my bag back the way it was before." He slapped your shoulder like you were a dude

'Damn you karma' you thought fixing his bag

Leaving school on the walk you two had a competition of who would be in front finally in front for long enough you realized you were lost 'where did karma go?' You thought looking around your surroundings

You were looking around for a while trying to recognize anything but a tiny dog started chasing you so you started running.

The tiny white dog was scaring you though but luckily she chased you all the way to your school so in a way you could thank it if you weren't so scared.

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