A Christmas with Heroes (sneak peak)

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Queen Mansion
December 20th

"Angel, I know that you've had a lot of extra free time now that you're not being Supergirl twenty four, seven, but are you sure you can plan this entire party?" Oliver asked his wife.

"Are you questioning my abilities?" Kara raised a brow.

"No, I'm just saying..." her laugh cut him off.

"I'm kidding." She patted his arm, "But yeah, I got this. I used to plan every event CatCo. hosted, and that was for thousands, this will only be a few hundred at most." Kara grinned, "Besides, I'm making Slade and Malcolm do most of the work."

"No joke." Slade grumbled as he and Malcolm walked into the room, arms filled with boxes labeled Christmas decorations.

"Oh, quit complaining. All you had to do was carry the boxes, the kids are gonna do all of the decorating with Thea and Moira." Kara playfully rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of," Malcolm sat the boxes he was holding on the ground, "where are my nieces and nephew?"

"Uncle Maly!" As if on cue, little Mia came running into the room followed by Evelyn.

"Hey, Najme!" Malcolm smiled as he lifted the toddler into his arms.

Mia wrapped her small arms around Malcolm's neck in a tight hug, "I missed you."

Malcolm chuckled softly, agreeing although he had just seen the child that morning, "I missed you too."

"Hey, why does the Wizard get a hug before me?" Slade said with a fake pout on his face.

"Magician!" Mia corrected with a giggle.

While Slade would argue it out loud, everyone knew that from day one Malcolm had been Mia's favorite. The fact that he was also her godfather only strengthened their bond.

"I have taught you well, young Mia." Malcolm said proudly.

Slade playfully rolled his eyes, accepting a hug from Evelyn, "At least one of them loves me."

Evelyn grinned as she hugged him, "Actually I was just wondering when Esme would be here." She joked.

Slade scoffed and playfully pushed her away from him earning a laugh from everyone else.

"Alright that's enough. Stop teasing the old man." Oliver said with a mischievous smirk.

"You know what, kid..." Slade mumbled threateningly.

"Okay, seriously though, when Will Esme be here and where is William?" Kara said while shaking her head at her family's antics.

"Esme is already here actually, Alex has to do some last minute Christmas shopping so I bright her with me. Thea stole her as soon we arrived." Slade answered.

"And Ruby just arrived so William is greeting her." Evelyn said, putting emphasis on the word greeting.

"Ah..." Kara nodded with a soft laugh.

"Well, Evie, if you would please go retrieve your brother and his girlfriend, we can start decorating." Thea said as she entered the room with Esme on her back and Moira by her side.

"While you guys do that, I have to go give Raisa the final guest list for food." Kara said.

"Who all is coming?" Malcolm questioned.



To be continued in...

A Christmas with Heroes


Please check out my new Christmas story, the first chapter is already published!

All characters from Miss Moffat's The Unmatched Records.

All of our favorite heroes together to celebrate Christmas.

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