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My fear came true. The second period and third period were relatively easy. We still had to introduce ourselves, but it was much simpler since I had already done it before. Lily and her friends did not make any more snide comments and seemed to be more interested in checking their eyeliner and lip-gloss. Then, it was time for lunch. Eating in an unsupervised cafeteria (except for the old lunch lady, who didn't seem to care about anything) was as pleasant as kissing a frog. But since I couldn't avoid it, I decided to face it. I walked in, keeping my head low and avoiding any fights. I quickly found an empty seat at the back and sat down.

As soon as I opened my lunch box, I felt droplets of water splash on my head. Confused, I turned around to find that Lily was standing right behind me, holding an empty water bottle and laughing. Her group of friends joined in her laughter, and I could feel the humiliation growing inside me.

Trying to control my anger, I asked her, "What do you want?"

With a smirk on her face, Lily replied, "I just want to make your life miserable. I told you I was a powerful enemy to have."

That's when I lost it. I stood up, my fists balled up in anger. "Ohhh," Lily mocked me. "Now she wants to fight. You do know that I have six girls with me now, right?"

I don't remember what happened next, but according to some other girls, all the food in the cafeteria flew ten feet in the air and slammed back down. They also said that I slapped Lily and drenched her with water from a neighboring bottle.

When I finally came to my senses, I found Lily on the floor, whimpering in pain and embarrassment. I was still standing over her, my fists balled up. The realization of what I had done hit me hard, and all my anger dissipated. I ran out of the cafeteria, feeling ashamed and confused about what had just happened.

As soon as I reached the main hall, which had taken a long time since I had to avoid teachers, I sat down on the steps and started crying. It had been a horrible day and I wanted to disappear. I didn't even understand what had happened and now I was sure that I was in trouble. I knew that Lilly had probably twisted the story around, so she was the innocent one. Even though I don't like to say it, maybe she was. As I was silently crying, I got summoned to the principal's office over the school speakers. I did not want to get in even more trouble, so I set off to the 3rd floor.

When I reached her office, I found the Principal I saw earlier today frowning down at me. "Hello Eldora," she said in a clipped voice. "Please take a seat." After I had sat in a chair facing her, she asked me, "Could you please explain yourself?" I tried explaining that Lily had poured water on me, and I got angry, and I don't remember hitting her. "I see," she spoke. Then she picked up the phone. "What is your mother's number?" she asked me. "I don't have a mother," I whispered as quietly as I could. "I am so sorry, honey," she said, her expression softening. "What about your father?" I quietly shook my head. Then I gave her my grandmother's number. The principal explained the situation to her, and she said that she would be there in 10 minutes.

As soon as she arrived, she sat down next to me. She apologized to the principal about my behavior and explained that I had never had the love or support of parents, so I had never been taught how to handle anger. She said that I had always had an urge to prove myself and would never hurt anyone on purpose. She said that she understands but Lilly's parents had filled a complaint on me. "Eldora's incident left a scratch on her face." She explained. "Her parents are classifying it as abuse." "Her father is on the school board and wants her expelled." "Expelled?" I said, my heart pounding. "It was an accident!" "I am sorry my dear." She said with a sad voice. "There is nothing I can do about it." "We understand." My grandmother said. "Come on Eldora." She said." She led me down to her old red car and we got in. "I am sorry grandma." I said, tying hard not to cry. "It was an accident." "I don't even remember how it happened." "I understand honey." She spoke. "I will explain everything once I we home.

"Explain?" I asked, Confused. "Wait until we get home." She said again. Today was getting way more complicated than I thought.

As soon as we got home, my grandma stopped the car and walked in with a serene expression on her face. She locked the door and sat me down on the couch. " What is all this about Grandma?" I asked. " Why did all the food fly up and why can't I remember anything?" " I have been hiding a lot of things from you honey." She said, "I will tell you everything if you can be patient." I nodded, not knowing the shock that was waiting for me. "The first thing you need to know is that magic is real." She said, " I guessed that" I said even though it shocked me. I was expecting that. "Now comes the hard part." She said, " I need to tell you about your parents , The true story of how they died." " That means they didn't die in a car crash?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "No honey. They were murdered" she said with a peculiar expression on her face. " What?!!?" I exclaimed. "Just let me explain." She said, "Your Parents were part of a secret agency of wizards. It was called the order of magic. Every agent swore to protect the book of spells with their life." " What is the book of spells?" I asked. "It is a book of incredible power." She explained. "It contains some of the most magical and intricate spells known to mankind." "When fallen into wrong hands, It could be the single weapon that could destroy the whole world and make the owner the most powerful person in the universe." "The order of Magic was created to protect the book and use it for good." "They protected ordinary people and helped life flourish." "The book was kept in the headquarters of the Order of Magic until 14 years ago."

 "What happened 14 years ago?" I asked with a trembling voice, fearing the answer. "Your parents were guarding the book one night when The Dark side attacked." "The dark side?" I asked, confused. "Yes honey." "The leader of the dark side is Lord Bloodgood" "He used to be a high ranking Official in the order of Magic before he went rogue and founded the dark side." When your parents were guarding the book, He and his minions attacked and tried stealing the book." "Your parents knew they couldn't fight that many skilled wizards at once, especially with you." "Lord Bloodgood fired at the protective shield around the book and broke it." "Before he could grab the book however, your mother snatched it up and ran with you in her arms and your father following close behind while trying to hold them off." "Even though they tried very hard, they got cornered in an alleyway." "Then your mother handed the book and you to your father and teleported them to my house." "Your mother tried to hold them off but was killed." I started crying. "She died to protect me and the book?" "Yes honey." she replied. "After he killed your mother, he came after your father and you." "They arrived at my house." "Your father told me to take you and flee." "He said you were the heir of magic and the true owner of the book." "What?!?!?" I yelled, blood pumping in my forehead. "Me?" "I am not even magical!"" Yes, you are honey." She replied. "You must begin training Right away." "Who will train me?" I asked, my blood still pumping in my head. "Me." She said, with an air of pride." "I am quite a good witch myself."When will we start?" I asked, starting to accept this strange turn of events. "Now" She replied.

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