Victory at What Cost?

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"Look if you pass your next test we'll get you that new bike," Carl Tennyson said "And you can play 1 hour of Vehicular Homicide 5."

"With your father's supervision." Sandra Tennyson says.

"So all I gotta do is pass 1 test?" Ben asked.

"Yes." The parents said.

Ben breathed through his nose "Alright, I'll study." He said grabbing his books and heading to his room.

Ben locked his door and looked at his arm.

'Grampa said be careful how I use it.' Ben thought.

"Only in emergencies Benjamin. We managed to get an appointment with the guy who made it but it's 2 years from now." Grampa Max said "If you can prove yourself responsible enough maybe we could convince this Architect your worthy of keeping it."

"Dout it." Grammy Lizard said munching on a meal worm.

"I can totally be responsible!" Ben exclaimed.

"Oh go on." She said.

"I'll prove it and afterwards I wanna join the Plumbers when I'm old enough." Ben said to Max.

"I trust you Ben," Max said hugging him "I'll be back in a few months Ok? Duty calls."

"I understand." Ben said as Max and Xylene had drove Ben to his house.

Pushing the button on the watch he cycled through his options.

Pushing the button on the watch he cycled through his options

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"Grey Matter." Ben exclaimed jumping over to his book "Alright time to absorb some knowledge, papa needs a new bike."


Ben was handed his test back.

"Congratulations Ben," His teacher said "Your stim watch has proven a drastic improvement."

Ben usually wasn't too thrilled about a early school assignment but it was either this or summer school and he still had 2 weeks of fun left he didn't want to waste.

"A perfect score!" Ben exclaimed holding it up "Guess who just got a new bike!"

"A well earned reward." Another 'teacher' said "Your parents are picking you up correct?"

Ben nodded.

"Would you like me to make you a copy of your test so you can give it to your folks?" One asked which had Ben nodding.

That night

"Wait I don't understand?" Ben said.

Carl put his hands together "Ok Ben you know how a brownie tray is cut so every piece is the same size?"

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