Chapter two

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Hadrian had been haveing a horrible day before the old man who claimed to be a wizard, Dumblebore? came to take him from this Gods awful torture facility called a orphanage. you see he had had a sort of....incident which hopefully no one would find out about untill he was out of here. you see bonny mariscal had been taunting him for being a "freak" and he had gotten just...a little angry and may or may not have done something not ideal. he didnt know how it had happened but he had just felt so angry and suddenly there was a flash of green light and suddenly she was just lying there..dead. so he had done the reasonable thing any 11 year old would do and had buried her in the woods planted some endangered plants over it and said "adios" and gotten the heck out of there. 

He smirked thinking or the way the old man had seemed scared of him. he didnt know why he was but hadrian was definatly going to use that to his advantage. he looked down at the letter in his hand, he would have o arrive at kings cross station september 11th at eleven o'clock which was just the next day, he also noticed that the train ticket said platform nine and 3/4, how that was possible? a problem for later. he looked at the piece of parchment that had all his school supplies that he would need. if he was going to find this 'diagon Alley' he would have to go soon. he quickley stood up and crossed the room with a few quick strides and grabbed a plain brown trunk from his closet out and put his few possesions in it. two pairs of clothes other than the ones he had on, although they looked exactly the same, his diary{which said Hadrian Riddle and even though he knew it wasnt his real last name he preferred it, it just sounded...right}, grey threadbare woolen jacket, a pen and the box of things that he had taken from the other children.

right}, grey threadbare woolen jacket, a pen and the box of things that he had taken from the other children

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he snorted at the thought that he would ever ACTUALLY give these things back to those he stole them from, even if he didnt care for them he wasnt going to just ruin his reputation like that

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he snorted at the thought that he would ever ACTUALLY give these things back to those he stole them from, even if he didnt care for them he wasnt going to just ruin his reputation like that.

(random change of POV brought to you by the sorting hat!)  
i grabbed the money that Dumblebore gave me and walked down the stairs to mrs.coles office. i stepped inside the door and she spoke without looking up "leaving all ready Hadrian?" i just stared at her in disgust at how she treating me like i was lower than her when she should be cowering in fear after all im a wizard and she just a lowly -what was it?,ah yes a muggle. i left the orphanage quickley planning to never come back. ever. as he walked down the streets of downtown London he noticed in disgust that the muggles around him had nothing to do with theyre lives. they should be lucky there are witches and wizards to keep this world in order or else they wouldve destroyed it by now.  finally he came across a old building the the muggles all seemed to walk right past as though it werent there. 'the leakey cauldron' is what the sign above it said. he walked in to the pub and suddenly everything got quiet before the old man behind the counter whispered "its Harry Potter" clearly Dumblebore had told them i would be coming. that man had no sense of privacy. abruptly i was cornered and surrounded by witches and wizards introducing themselves. i hated it. so raising my voice i said, "i am not Harry Potter nor do i know whom he is, my name is Hadrian Riddle and you all aut to be ashamed of yourselves for cornering a child no matter who he is" i smirked inwardly as they all backed away most looking ashamed or angry but some looked shocked or even scared."Riddle did he say" "like Tom Riddle" the whispers went around, i wasnt sure who this 'Tom Riddle' was but if using his last name got people scared then i liked him. "now then" i said directing my voice toward the bar man, "could someone show me the way to Diagon Alley?" i asked with a charming smile. i couldnt scare them all could i? no i needed connections if i wanted to make a name for myself in this world. "yes of course mr.Riddle" he stuttered. as he showed me to the back i felt a pair of eyes on me and i turned around to see a man in a turban staring at me with somthing akin to shock. i shrugged it was probably nothing. as the brickes moved away i stoped in shock. the alley was beautiful the shops glowed with magic and i grinned. this would be fun.
i walked around and bought all the equipment i would need. finally i got to what i was really looking forward to . my wand. as i entered an old man on a latter apeared from the back of the room. "ah Harry Potter i thought id be seeing you soon." really did Fricking dumblebore tell EVERYONE that i was coming i sighed before saying "actually sir my name is Hadrian Riddle, i dont know why but people seem to keep calling me that." i say with my most charming and confused smile. his eyes widened in shock and-was that fear? "R-Riddle you say, any relations to Tom Riddle" i smirked deciding to play with him "yes ive been told that was my fathers name." he stared at me in total fear not even trying to hide it. finally he grabbed a box and whispered "try this one" i took the wand and waved it and a warmth filled me "ah" said the old man "pheonix feather and holly, it has a brother wand, your fathers actually." i stared at it. so i have a wand that connects to another person. how...peculiar. finally i went to Eyelops emporium and walked over to the snake section and came accross a beautifull blackish blue snake about the length of my arm. ~hello~ i spoke to it. it lifted its head and stared at me ~a speaker! will you take me with you?~ ~yes i will~ i responded quickly picking her up and purchasing her. ~do you have a name?~ ~no speaker i do not you can give me one though~ ~ok i will call you Ashkleys~ and with that i left to start a new chapter of my life.

Hello tis me the author im really sorry about how short this chapter was and it was supposed to be longer and published much sooner but i got sick and havnt had a chance to write until now. bye!

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