What The Hell!?!

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                    Scott hoists a flower pot onto the shelf next to the window and stands back to look at the newly decorated corner of the tavern.

                    "Scott! Scott! Scott!" A pink and orange figure with monarch wings flutters through the door of the tavern and towards him.

                    "Yes Gem?" He turns around to face the monarch hybrid.

                    "It's Shelby! She's being taken away!" Gem says.

                    "What?! Why?! How?!" Scott runs outside and releases a rocket to take off after the quickly disappearing Butterfly.

                    "We don't know! But don't worry! The Sheriff is on the case! He's trying to stall while I go get the others! Luckily, you're the last one!" Gem shouts over the wind as she dodged Joel's massive structures in the sky.

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