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They were closing in on us. My husband and I ran as fast as we could. I could smell the faint scent of tobacco and sweat behind me, mixed with the dreaded traces of dark magic. As Lord Bloodgood cornered me, he whispered, "You can't escape me this time! The book is mine!" Tears streamed down my face as I looked down at my beautiful child. I knew I had to make a difficult decision. I handed the book to my husband and told him to run with the baby. "I can't leave you here!" he whispered. "It is the only way," I said, my heart breaking into pieces. "Eldora needs her mother," he said. "I will stay instead of you." "No!" I said firmly. "I joined the Order of Magic to protect and guard the book against the Dark Side at all costs, even if it meant dying." "I am not letting you die!" he said. "Eldora is the Heir of Magic, and she needs proper training!" "You don't listen to me," I said with a sigh. "I love you, and I am very sorry for what I am about to do." Then, I took my wand out and blasted him with light, and he disappeared with the book and my child. "Aaaagh!" Lord Bloodgood yelled. "You have ruined EVERYTHING!" All his servants moved towards me with wands pointed at me. I brandished my own, but I was hopelessly outnumbered. "Stop!" Lord Bloodgood yelled. "She is mine!"

He pointed his wand at me and blasted me with red light, and then, I was gone.

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