CH 22

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Bose's POV

Jasper, AWOL & I are searching for ether Smith, his new friends, or Chapa as we search different places in the area, there's fires in the distance that i can see the orange glow then I heard a bunch of firetrucks, ambulances & police sirens.

I saw innocent people, including children, running for their life to find somewhere to hide or live cause all these villains were doing terrible things to their homes & businesses.

BS: How can you, Charlotte, and Henry live here like this?!

Jasper: It takes tough skin to stay here.

AWOL: I bet it does

We continued our search, even looking through some windows, but some of them were abandoned and empty with nothing inside except some papers and some other stuff as we kept searching. I heard a gunshot.

BS: I heard a gunshot.

AWOL: Keep those eyes open.

As I looked in the distance, I saw a beaten up girl bust down a door and fall with it, but she got back up, then she looked at us.

Jasper: Is that her?

AWOL: I can't tell from the distance.

I started walking towards her, and as I got closer, I knew it was Chapa, but she looked very frightened and ready to pass out. Then, before she could fall onto her knees, I caught her, and she dropped a gun & a dagger that's covered in blood.

Chapa: ... I... I.. K-Killed...

Before Chapa could finish her sentence, she passed out in my arms, and AWOL came over as I saw Jasper on the phone and hung up and came to us, then AWOL teleports us back to their base as I put Chapa on the couch waiting for the others to get back to help her.

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