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Third person POV
Everyone was in the living room while reneseme was doing her thing then he looked at us shocked and Bella nodded then we looked behind us and Carlisle friends were hungry for blood then I looked at Bella and Jake spoke
"A lot of red eyes around here"
"We agreed not to hunt in the area"
"That just makes it harder Bella"
"They'll hunt somewhere"
"Yeah and more of our people are turning but there young Bella if this keeps on happening our whole tribe maybe be next"
Bella then looked down and sighed while thinking of something


Jacob was in the forest while a boy ran around angrily then phased and Jake did his best to calm him down
"Hey easy there,HEY it's alright your going to be okay"
Then the wolf whimpered softly then calmed down and looked up at Jacob and Jacob sighed softly while making sure he was okay


Then Bella and Edward where outside and Carlisle and eneseme got out the car with the last vampire and Carlisle spoke
"How many came"
"Eighteen you have some good friends"
"And Alice?"
Bella spoke her head no while having a sad look on her face then eneseme pulled her into a hug then the blonde hair vampire spoke
"Well where all gonna be on aros list now centers on the run that's why you brought me here huh some friend Carlisle"
"Alister come meet everyone"
"I told you if it comes to a fight I won't go against the volturi"
"It won't come to a fight"
"...I'll be in the attic"
Then the vampire jumped up high and went into the attic while they were all looking up at him then he looked back at them then went into the attic
"He's not a people person"
Then Bella nodded while having a straight face while nodding slightly


Seena made eye contact with Edward and made him see the beauty of the Amazon jungle but Bella didn't see anything then y/n looked around confused on what he was looking at
"If you weren't holding my hand right now I swear this is real"
"I don't see anything?"
Then he stopped seeing it when a man came up to them
"Edward you didn't tell us your wife was a shield and her friend was a powerful wolf?"
Then Bella looked at Edward confused and y/n smiled at the compliment that was given to her and she looked at the vampire and nodded as a thank you and he nodded back happily
"The ones I meet are so different"
"It's a defense power"
"That why I could read your mind or aros"
"It's a very powerful gift"
Then a lady grabbed there hands on they had no pain what do every but y/n growled slightly when the vampire did that
"Oh yeah she's a shield alright and she's very powerful these to can put them on there ass"
"Or your voltage is a bit exaggerated"
"Maybe it only works on the weak"
She said while putting her hand out to him and y/n looked at the man smirking ready to see how this ends
"Geric I wouldn't"
But he didn't listen and did it anyway and a single touch made him groan in pain and fall to the ground then he looked up at her with love in his eyes
"You are an amazing woman"

She smiled while looking down at him then I smirked and then I heard something and so did everyone one else and we all looked to where it was coming from I then got in front of everyone and ran to the place and so did everyone else as soon as we got there my hand glow slightly and growled then I saw Jake in his wolf form growling at the vampires then Carlisle spoke up to them
"Elarme,Stephan your a long way from home"
"What are they doing here"
"We heard the volturi were going against you and not going alone"
"We didn't do what we were accused of"
"We do not care what you did Carlisle"
"We have been waiting melineme for the Italian scum to be challenged"
"It's not our plan to fight the volturi"
"Same..aros witnesses would be so disappointed
"They enjoy a good fight"
They both chuckle and I growled while my hands glow bright then a man came up to Carlisle
"Aros witnesses"
"Still hoping tell listen"
I growled more while glaring at them then I heard a voice
"Y/n stand down there not worth it"
I growled one last time then I walked off angrily


We were in the living room talking and listening to what's happening
"When someone what's someone from a coven it's never long before evidence turns up proving that coven committed a crime"
"So it happened before"
"It happens so rarely I never realized it was a pattern"
"Apparently he only partners one person he claims or apenten"
"That person always has and ability and always given a place at the gaurd"
"This is all about Alice he has now one like her"
"Which is why she left"
"Why does he need witnesses"
"To spread the word that justice had been served...after he slaughtered the entire coven"
I gasped then I looked up at him
"Wait so if my people join this fight I lose them I have a week old baby I don't want her to die so either we think of something fast or the wolves won't be apart of this fight"
Then a couple walked away and the mane spoke up
"Benjamin,Sephrina get up we're leaving"
"And where will you go"
"What makes you think they'll satisfy with Alice what if they go after Benjamin,seena,or Kay or anyone else they want with a gift and they may even take y/n there goal is punishment it's power it's acquisition Carlisle may not ask you to fight but I will for the sake of my family and my friends family and also for your for the way you want to live"
Everyone stayed silent then Jake spoke up and looked at me and spoke
"The wolves will fight we're not afraid of vampires"
I nodded while going over to Jake agreeing with him then they all got up at once
"We will fight"
"This won't be the first time I fought a kings rule"
"I will join you"
"I will do the right thing among you may do the right thing you please"
"We will stand with you"
"So will we"
Then we looked at the others and they nodded and I smiled softly
"That didn't take much"
"Let's hope it doesn't come to that"
"We'll see"
Then one walked off then I sighed softly and I looked at Jake smirking while my eyes glowed a bit

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