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Roger paced in his room; it was small so he was only able to take a few steps before he had to turn around. Roger felt like a tiger in a cage. He still didn't leave the room even if he was aching to play a tune. Roger's guitar was stuck in the living room with Mark. Mark who he had gotten into a fight with less than an hour ago.

That had been happening a lot more recently after April died. Roger had gone months without ever leaving his room. Roger hadn't wanted to do anything except hide away, sleep, and forget his feelings. Drugs always made him forget his problems but it made him think of April. Roger couldn't stand the sight of white powder anymore.

Mark being the annoyingly caring friend he took care of Roger. No matter how much Roger would kick, scream, or ignore him Mark didn't leave. Everyone had always left Roger in his life so it was nice to have a constant even if that constant was sweet and annoying Mark.

Mark, who reminded him to eat, successfully dragged Roger out of the house once in a blue moon, and made him take his AZT despite how it cost most of their money.

Roger had been angry that morning; he couldn't even remember why anymore. Roger's go to emotion was anger it seemed like he wasn't capable if feeling anything else anymore except rage or sadness. Roger would much rather let rage consume him than the horrible depression he sometimes sunk into.

Mark had pulled Roger out of his room for a breakfast of expired freezer burned waffles. Roger had begrudgingly eaten half of one before taking his AZT to appease Mark. Roger didn't care if he died but he was afraid that he wouldn't accomplish anything before he went.

All Roger did anymore was stay in his room and start pointless arguments with Mark who still hasn't walked out on him yet for some reason. Roger sighed as he fell onto his mattresses on the floor the boys and Collins had pulled out of the dumpster a few years ago. Loose springs pressed uncomfortably in his back yet Roger thought it was better than pacing again.

Roger closed his eyes and wondered what I was like before the yelling and fighting. At one point their friendship had been a lot stronger Roger and Mark looking out for each other. Now Roger barely survived and Mark held him together. Roger felt like one day he was going to snap and Mark wasn't going to be able to solve it for him like always. Roger was teetering on the edge and he kept getting closer each day.

Roger just kept picking more fights if he didn't destroy himself first he was going to destroy Mark first. Roger was lost in thought about how he was going to get his guitar back when Mark was still in the loft. Roger's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door, "Roger can I come in?" Mark said he sounded like he was scared.

Roger didn't blame him with the bruise turning blue and purple on Mark's jaw. Mark had said, "Maybe this is why everyone leaves you, don't be surprised when I'm next." Mark hadn't meant it; they both knew it was in the heat of the moment. Roger had bad abandonment issues Mark knew that he knew it better than anyone yet he had still said it.

Roger had seen red and swung at the closest part if Mark was. Roger had instantly regretted it that was why he was in his room pacing. That didn't make it right he knew but damn Mark and his comment. Mark never stopped talking; it was both infuriating and endearing.

The way his face would light up when Roger somewhat paid attention to his camera or movies. His talking kept Roger from spiraling sometimes even if he talked about nonsense. When he was as blinded in rage earlier as he had been it only served to anger him more.

Roger didn't say anything in response Mark invited himself on taking that as permission. "I'm sorry." Mark said he sat beside Roger on his bed. Mark put a hand on his shoulder. His hand was freezing Roger saw that he was shivering. The loft was practically a freezer.

"I'm sorry about the bruise." Roger said he mumbled the words he felt his cheeks darken in embarrassment. Roger wasn't good with feelings; it took a lot to get him to apologize.

"It's not too bad it should be gone by the end of the week." Mark said, giving him a small smile. Roger found himself returning it hesitantly when his eyes landed on the bruise again.

"Fuck I'm sorry." Roger said loudly this time he pulled Mark into a hug. Mark was stunned Roger barely engaged in physical contact let alone initiate it after April died. Mark hugged him back he sighed moving closer to Roger it was freezing and he was radiating warmth.

"I think we need to get you some help Roger. This is getting out of hand. I shouldn't have made that comment but we need to work on your anger issues." Mark said he looked serious, it wasn't often he was so Roger figured he really was.

"Okay I'll try but can we just go to sleep for now? Talk about it tomorrow." Roger said he was tired and he didn't want to think about having to leave the comfort of Mark or the loft right now.

"Okay goodnight Rog." Mark said he began to get up when his arm was caught by Roger. Mark turned around to see his friend with a desperate begging look on his face.

"Stay." Roger pleaded, tugging Mark back towards him and the mattress.

"Alright." Mark agreed it was worth it when he saw the smile break out on Roger's face. Mark laid down as Roger flipped off the light switch a few seconds later he felt a warm body press against his back and two strong arms wrap around him. Mark sighed it was the first time he hadn't been cold all day.

They shared a bed sometimes when they weren't fighting, for warmth and comfort. Their friends thought it was odd but to the men it was normal. People just didn't understand how their friendship worked. Mark fell asleep glad knowing that Roger had agreed to get help finally after months and lots of fights. Maybe their friendship could be as strong as before if they weren't always at each other's throats.

"Goodnight Mark, how did I ever get so lucky to find you?" Roger asked the man was asleep so he didn't worry about Mark hearing. It was almost concerning how attached he was becoming to Mark. Roger was scared of falling again and losing someone else so he ignored it as he let his eyes drift shut.

Most of these oneshots are connected in the same universe. Many are a continuation directly of this one.

Mark x  Roger Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now